Change How Much Mail to Keep Offline in Outlook (2024)

By default, Outlook configures Exchange and Office 365 accounts to only synchronize 12 months of your email.

  1. ClickFile>Account Settings>Account Settings.

    Change How Much Mail to Keep Offline in Outlook (1)

  2. Select an Exchange or Office 365account, and then clickChange.

    Change How Much Mail to Keep Offline in Outlook (2)

  3. UnderOffline Settings, move the slider to the desired amount of time, such asAll,12 months,6 months,3 months, or1 month. Note: If you're using Outlook 2016, you can also select an amount of time as short as3 days.

    Change How Much Mail to Keep Offline in Outlook (3)

    For example, if you move the slider to3 months, only mail from the past three months will be synchronized to your Offline Outlook Data (.ost) file from the Exchange server. Items older than 3 months reside only in your mailbox on the server. You can change this setting at any time.


  • Cached Exchange Mode, which downloads a copy of your messages, must be turned on.
  • If you're using Outlook with an Office 365 account, we recommend you use Cached Exchange Mode.


Change How Much Mail to Keep Offline in Outlook (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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