Accident On 53 Today (2025)

1. highway 53 Archives - WXXV News 25

  • A head-on crash on Highway 53 has claimed the life of one person and sent another to the hospital with serious injuries.

  • Lucas Warren,

2. Highway 53 -

  • A three car wreck on Highway 53 at Research Park Boulevard Wednesday evening sent three people to the hospital, Huntsville police said.

  • Articles with the Highway%2053 tag

3. M-53 news - Today's latest updates - CBS Detroit

4. crash Route 53 - Cardinal News

  • Wrecked Mitsubishi that rolled and cartwheeled for 400 feet after the driver lost control and the vehicle veered off Route 53 on to Wilke Road just after 1:00 ...

  • Cardinal News is a complete online news source for local news near Arlington Heights, regional news in Chicagoland, and global US & World news.

5. Current - MSP Crash Updates

6. Cardinal Emergencies | Arlington Heights IL - Facebook


  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

7. Update: Lanes open again on US 53 near River Prairie | News - WQOW

  • One vehicle was in the median. The crash happened shortly before 4:30 p.m., and the highway opened again fully about an hour later.

  • Northbound US 53 lanes are open again after a crash Tuesday afternoon.

8. Serious One-Vehicle Accident On Hwy 53 Sends Driver To Hospital

  • Jun 28, 2024 · The driver of the car, a 37 year old male from Appleton, was flown to an area hospital in critical condition. The driver of the semi, a 23 year ...

  • The driver of the car was flown to an area hospital in critical condition.

Accident On 53 Today (2025)


Can I take cash on accident? ›

The other driver is trying to avoid an insurance claim or getting the police involved. It is NOT illegal to take the cash, but it will cause more harm than good if it isn't enough. It could even be a scam.

Which state has the highest crash rate? ›

Texas is the state with the most car accidents with 4,068 fatal car accidents. California is the second state with the most car accidents with 3,983 fatal car accidents.

What is the most wrecked car in America? ›

Based on the NHTSA's data, Value Penguin determined that the following are the most dangerous cars in America:
  • Ford F-Series—fatal crashes: 10,845.
  • Chevrolet Silverado—fatal crashes: 7,718.
  • Honda Accord—fatal crashes: 5,079.
  • Toyota Camry—fatal crashes: 4,734.
  • Ram Pickup (all models)—fatal crashes: 4,734.

How do I look up an accident report in North Carolina? ›

You may obtain copies of crash reports from the Division of Motor Vehicles one of three ways:
  1. By calling (919) 861-3098.
  2. By visiting in person the DMV Headquarters at 1100 New Bern Ave.
  3. By mailing your request TR-67A form to:
  4. NCDOT-DMV Traffic Records Section. 3106 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, NC 27697-3106.

Why would someone not want to go through insurance? ›

They may have a number of reasons for wanting this. They may want to avoid filing a police report, they may think their insurance rates will increase, they may not have insurance, they may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or they may have warrants out for their arrest.

What happens if you rip money on accident? ›

Individuals, financial institutions, and businesses may contact the Department of the Treasury's Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) if they are in possession of mutilated U.S. currency, meaning that the currency has been damaged to the extent that one-half or less of the original note remains, or its condition is ...

What US state has the least car accidents? ›

States with Least Automotive Deaths per 100,000. This section focuses on the U.S. states with the lowest rates of automotive deaths per 100,000 citizens. Massachusetts leads the list with the fewest fatalities, followed by New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island.

What race has the most car accidents? ›

See FARS Analytical Data Classification in the Appendix for more details on race-ethnicity categories. Of the 43,230 traffic fatalities in 2021, White people accounted for 50 percent while Black or African American people accounted for 17 percent and Hispanic or Latino people accounted for 16 percent.

Which city in US has most accidents? ›

In Memphis, 25.96 people per 100,000 residents were killed in fatal motor vehicle accidents, the most of any major U.S. city. Detroit and Albuquerque, New Mexico, followed with the highest rate of fatal car crashes per 100,000 residents. Tucson, Arizona, and Kansas City, Missouri, round out the top five.

What is the deadliest car to drive? ›

Mitsubishi Mirage Sedan

What color of car gets hit the most? ›

Why? Research suggests that black vehicles are involved in accidents much more frequently than other color cars. During the day, black vehicles are associated with about a 12 percent increase in crash risk. At night, you're about 47 percent more likely to get into an accident when you're driving a black car.

What color cars get stolen the most? ›

What Auto Color Is Most Associated with Theft? According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), black, silver, white, green and gold are the colors most associated with vehicle thefts. Colors that more easily blend in with a crowd–white, gray, silver and black–tend to be reported stolen the most.

How long does it take to get a crash report in NC? ›

You may request a certified crash report from the NC DMV. Crashes investigated by the North Carolina State Highway Patrol since May 16, 2013, are available in this system. Reports will normally be entered into the system within 5 to 7 business days.

How do I find local car accidents? ›

Oftentimes, the first point of contact for such information would be the Local Police Departments. They maintain detailed logs of accidents reported and are obliged to share key details with the public, though you may need to request these specifically.

Are incident reports public record in NC? ›

The Police Records Division handles public requests for reports. Crash Reports are free of charge if you visit the Records counter or you can access it through the online system. The majority of requests are traffic accident (Crash) reports, or incident (Crime) reports.

Can you keep money sent to you by accident? ›

You should report the error to your bank as soon as you notice it. That way, the mistake can be corrected as quickly as possible. If you notice a bank error in your favor, you should report it to your bank as soon as possible. You cannot keep money that was mistakenly deposited into your account; it must be returned.

What happens if someone puts money in your account by accident? ›

Contact your bank and let them know about the accidental payment and it will arrange for the money to be returned.

Can you cash out accidental insurance? ›

The insurance company will pay you cash as long as you've been paying your premiums (often a monthly payment). You can use this cash however you choose – pay off your medical bills or put it toward your mortgage, childcare, college tuition or even a vacation.

Can you get insurance on cash? ›

Money insurance can insure against money in transit loss, insure cash in safe and can include theft or fire loss. Almost all businesses handle money in some form – cash, cheques, credit card slips and bankers' drafts, making this form of insurance essential for businesses large and small.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.