What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs (2024)

  • Categories song themes
  • Date February 14, 2020
  • Comments1 Comment

Five of the Most Common Themes in Music

Every song has a story to tell. Well, every good song, at least. Even a song without lyrics can take us on a journey using instruments, tone, rhythm, and dynamics.

The way each note is played can convey emotion and give us insight into what the musician is feeling.

Music can make us feel happy, upset, angry, sad, or an array of other emotions. There is always a song for us to dive into, no matter what mood we're in or how we want to feel.

Whether you spend your time listening to Mozart or Motley Crue, the one thing that connects every song is that they all have a theme. Themes are the main subject and pervasive idea that drive a song's narrative, style, and voice.

While there are certainly aspects that make songs different and unique, if you look closely among many song's subjects, you will notice a common list of themes. We will be breaking down 5 of the most common themes in songs.

Table of Contents

  • Growing Up
  • Statements of Discontent
  • Friendship
  • Heartbreak
  • Death
  • North Carolina State Study
  • Atlanta Institute of Music and Media

Growing Up or Coming of Age

Some of the hardships we once thought were unsurpassable at a young age now appear minor and insignificant. Therefore, many songs tackle the issue of growing up, getting older, and reflecting on the past. "Dream On" by Aerosmith is a great example. In it, they sing:

"Every time that I look in the mirror
All these lines on my face getting clearer
The past is gone
It went by, like dusk to dawn
Isn't that the way
Everybody's got their dues in life to pay."

What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs (2)

"Stressed Out" by Twenty One Pilots is a recent example of a song with the theme of growing up. That subject is reflected in the lyrics:

"Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days
When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out"

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Statements of Discontent

When you lack outlets to shout your frustrations, music can be a convenient and cathartic release. Musicians often use music as an avenue to vent their discontent, whether personally, socially, or politically.

Songs like "Losing My Religion" by REM, or "Creep" by Radiohead deal with the feelings of loneliness and isolation.

"Turn! Turn! Turn!" by the Byrds exemplifies a statement of discontent by protesting against the Vietnam War.

"A time to build up, a time to break down
A time to dance, a time to mourn
A time to cast away stones, a time to gather stones together."

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What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs (3)

The theme of friendship is used in every single genre of music. There's nothing more common than a person desiring the companionship or friendship of another person.

Friendship is universal, which means just about everyone can connect to a song about friendship. A popular song that details friendship is "Anytime You Need a Friend" by Mariah Carey.

In the song, she sings:

"Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You'll never be alone again
So don't you fear
Even if you're miles away
I'm by your side."

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What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs (4)


Heartbreak is another theme that crosses all genres. Everyone, at some point in their life, has had their heartbroken. The very best musicians can make you feel sorrow about people you haven't even thought about in ages.

What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs (5)

A recent example of a heartbreak song is Taylor Swift's song, "All Too Well." Anyone who has ever been involved in a relationship that went sour can relate to the following lyrics:

"Hey, you call me up again just to break me like a promise.
So casually cruel in the name of being honest.
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
'Cause I remember it all, all, all … too well."

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Although it's something many people don't want to talk about, death has been sung about for ages.

It's unfortunate, but everyone, including your favorite artists, deals with losing loved ones, making death one of the most popular themes in music.

Sometimes the only way we can understand someone's passing is to listen to a familiar song, like the popular "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth. This song was a tribute to the passing of Paul Walker, a staple within theFast and Furious film franchise.

"It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again"

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The Study By North Carolina State University

Researchers at North Carolina State University examined hit songs of the past 50 years to find out what made them so popular. During their research, they discovered 12 key themes that show up the most in radio smash hits.

The research team compiled a list of every No. 1 Billboard "Hot 100" hit from January 1960, all the way to December of 2009.
Once the list was compiled, they ran a textual analysis of the song's lyrics. These were the top themes:

  1. loss
  2. desire
  3. aspiration
  4. nostalgia
  5. pain
  6. breakup
  7. rebellion
  8. inspiration
  9. jadedness
  10. escapism
  11. desperation
  12. confusion

Certain time-frames saw more of a particular theme. For example, in the '60s and '70s, artists were making a lot of songs that focused on rebellion.

In the '00s, though, the songs tried to evoke desperation as well as inspiration.

If you look closely at the list, you will see that it offers a wide range of emotions. While the emotions listed above may not be considered "happy," some of the strongest emotions need powerful outlets, and music creates the perfect opportunity.

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Create the Music that Reflects Your Mood

What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs (6)

While listening and experiencing music's different themes is amazing, there is a whole other euphoria that accompanies creating music and themes.

If you are a musician or music producer and want to maximize your skills and talents, you need to discover the Atlanta Institute of Music and Media.

AIMM offers the following degree and certificate opportunities for intermediate musicians:

  • Music Production and Audio for Media Associate Degree
  • Music and Technology Associate Degree with a Focus in Guitar, Bass, Drums, Keyboard, or Voice
  • Certificate in Music Production
  • Online Certificate in Music and Technology with a Focus in Guitar or Bass.

If you want to jumpstart your music industry career and be able to perform the music you love, click the link below today.

What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs (7)

What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs (2024)


What Are We Listening to? | The Most Popular Themes In Songs? ›

Many of the most common themes in pop music is love and relationships because it is the most popular genre and the other themes present could be less explicit than a genre such as hip hop (Christenson et al, 2019) . Gender is also considered to be a factor into music preference. ...

What is the most popular topic of songs? ›

Many of the most common themes in pop music is love and relationships because it is the most popular genre and the other themes present could be less explicit than a genre such as hip hop (Christenson et al, 2019) . Gender is also considered to be a factor into music preference. ...

What is a typical theme in pop music songs? ›

The lyrics of modern pop songs typically focus on simple themes – often love and romantic relationships – although there are notable exceptions. Harmony and chord progressions in pop music are often "that of classical European tonality, only more simple-minded."

What is the main theme or tune of the music? ›

The theme is the first main melody that you hear. It is the melody that the rest of the music will be based on. Sometimes the theme does not start immediately at the beginning of the piece but is preceded by an introduction.

What makes popular songs popular? ›

The songwriter writes a song that is catchy, compelling and commercial. That means the song is well crafted, it connects to a broad audience and it causes action on the part of the listener. It may make them cry, laugh, dance, tap their feet, or go purchase the song. In any case, it causes them to react.

What is a theme in a song? ›

Themes are the main subject and pervasive idea that drive a song's narrative, style, and voice. While there are certainly aspects that make songs different and unique, if you look closely among many song's subjects, you will notice a common list of themes.

What is the most listened to song ever? ›

Blinding Lights

What is an example of a theme song? ›

The theme song of the show Friends, "I'll Be There For You" by The Rembrandts, is so iconic that it instantly brings to mind the faces of the six friends and their shared camaraderie. Even years after the show ended, the tune is immediately associated with the show's brand.

What is the oldest pop song? ›

The song is called 'After the Ball' by Charles Harris. It was written in 1891 and debuted in 1892. Sheet music was one of the metrics used to determine the popularity of a song.

What are the 7 themes of music? ›

Seven major themes are outlined in the formation of music geography: I - origins (non-'geographical'); II - world distribution and types; III - location analysis; IV-source areas of musical activities; V - trends based on electricity; VI - impact of music on landscapes; and VII - global music.

How do I find my theme song? ›

Finding a "theme song" or personal soundtrack can be a fun and personal process, and there is no one set way to do it. Some common ways people find their theme song include: Reflection: Think about your personality, interests, and life experiences, and try to identify a song that represents those things.

Why do theme songs exist? ›

While the first TV themes were a commercial for the sponsor, today they're kind of like a commercial for the show. Think about the last time you watched a show like iCarly or That's So Raven. While the theme song was playing, Thompson said, “It would show a bunch of scenes that would indicate what you are about to see.

What makes a song a number 1 hit? ›

For those striving for a #1 hit, it pays to be a little unique—but not too far out there: Songs still need a hook for listeners to grab onto. As with most innovation, this is what makes popular culture popular: the right balance between familiarity and novelty.

What makes a hit single? ›

In the United States and the United Kingdom, a single is usually considered a hit when it reaches the top 40 of the Billboard Hot 100 or the top 75 of the UK Singles Chart. The Guinness Book of British Hit Singles has used this definition since the 1970s.

What is a catchy tune? ›

(especially of a tune or song) pleasing and easy to remember: a catchy tune.

What genre is most popular songs? ›

Rock is the most popular music genre worldwide, with 25% of respondents stating that this was their favorite style of music (Statista, 2020). In 2019, R&B/Hip Hop became the most consumed music genre in the United States accounting for 27.7% of the total music consumption (Statista, 2020).

What is the best topic to write a song about? ›

50 Theme Ideas for Your Songwriting
  • Telling someone you love them.
  • Your description of someone you admire.
  • The enjoyment you get talking to someone.
  • The monotony of your relationship.
  • Your apology to someone.
  • Your desperation for someone.
  • The virtues of the person you love.
  • How you'll always be there for someone.

What are popular songs about? ›

Relationships, breakups, marriage, divorce, friendships, families, betrayals, mental health struggles, and parenthood are just a few of the life experiences that have inspired some of the most famous songs.

What do most people write songs about? ›

9 Universal Songwriting Emotions To Write Songs About
  • Love. No surprise here! ...
  • Unrequited Love. “I Can't Make You Love Me” and “He Stopped Loving Her Today” are examples.
  • Wondering About The Meaning Of Life. ...
  • Cheating and Being Cheated On. ...
  • Loss. ...
  • Wanting To Have A Good Time. ...
  • The Nostalgic Feeling.
Mar 19, 2024

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