Search results | Kepler Classes (2024)

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AM100 - AstroMapping for Beginners - Spring 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (1)


In this introductory class, learn a basic understanding of AstroMapping concepts, and begin working with a blend of Natal and Mundane interpretation of your planetary lines.

Course Objectives


  • The components of AstroMapping
  • The difference between Compass Astrology & Astro*Carto*Graphy, and when and where to use them
  • General planetary conditions and how planetary energies in AstroMapping blends natal and mundane into its own interpretation.

By the end of this class, students will be prepared for continuing studies in Intermediate AstroMapping.

Weekly Topics:

  1. What you can and cannot do with Astro Mapping, The Structure of Mapping & Housekeeping (getting the most out of your course)
  2. Developing your Goals and how you can Goal Set with your Astro Mapping Lines
  3. General Planetary Conditions, Blending Natal and Mundane into your Interpretation.
  4. Armchair Travel & Remote Activation
  5. Developing Travel Plans with your Mapping Lines & Where to Next

  • Teacher: Tamira McGillivray (She/Her)
  • Teacher: Cindy McKean

Category: Spring 2023-2024

AM100 - AstroMapping for Beginners - Summer 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (2)


In this introductory class, learn a basic understanding of AstroMapping concepts, and begin working with a blend of Natal and Mundane interpretation of your planetary lines.

Course Objectives


  • The components of AstroMapping
  • The difference between Compass Astrology & Astro*Carto*Graphy, and when and where to use them
  • General planetary conditions and how planetary energies in AstroMapping blends natal and mundane into its own interpretation.

By the end of this class, students will be prepared for continuing studies in Intermediate AstroMapping.

Weekly Topics:

  1. Familiarization. Orientation and Overview. What you can and cannot do with Astro Mapping, The Structure of Mapping
  2. Developing your Goals and how you can Goal Set with your Astro Mapping Lines
  3. General Planetary Conditions, Blending Natal and Mundane into your Interpretation.
  4. Armchair Travel & Remote Activation
  5. Developing Travel Plans with your Mapping Lines & Where to Next

  • Teacher: Tamira McGillivray (She/Her)
  • Teacher: Cindy McKean

Category: Summer 2023-2024

AM201 - Astromapping I - Astro*Carto*Graphy - Winter 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (3)

Course description:

Does anything change when you move from one place to another? Yes!

What needs to be considered when you search for the most desirable places to travel or relocate? By the end of this course, students will understand the factors and issues involved in relocation charts, how to identify themes, and how to synthesize this information into an interpretation of an astro*carto*graphy map. This course will prepare you for the Jim Lewis certification test in Astro*Carto*Graphy offered at Continuum. (

Topics include:

  • historical development of astrological mapping
  • basic astronomical principles involved in mapping techniques
  • relation of mapping to natal chart construction and meaning
  • relation and use of relocation charts in A*C*G
  • themes connected with specific planet-angle combinations
  • interpretation of parans, crossings, and shadowed planets
  • analysis of natal charts for desirable planets to emphasize through relocation
  • hands-on practice in applications and techniques
  • use of common mapping software
  • combining various points and bodies with angle analysis and dial use

Students will have guided hands-on practice in applications and techniques.

This course will prepare you for the Jim Lewis certification test in Astro*Carto*Graphy offered at Continuum. (

Required Books:

  • Lewis,Jim & Kenneth Irving. 1997 (reissued Nov. 2012).The Psychology ofAstro*Carto*Graphy.London: Penguin Books.
  • Yourpersonal A*C*G map

Pre-requisite: basicknowledge of astrological symbolism

This counts as an elective for the Professional Diploma and the Alternate Traditions certificate.

Weekly topics:

1.Historical development of automapping

2.Inner Planets and Angles

3.Outer Planetsand Angles

4.Astro*Carto*Graphy and RelocationCharts

5.InterpretingParans and Crossings

6.Guest Speaker

7.The importance of the natal chart andtypical questions

8.CombiningA*C*G with Symmetry

9.Guest speaker:

10. A*C*Gin Motion: Transits and Progressions

  • Manager: Tamira McGillivray (She/Her)
  • Teacher: Madalyn Hillis-Dineen
  • Teacher: Karen McCauley (she/her)
  • Non-editing teacher: Cindy McKean

Category: Winter 2023-2024

AM201 - The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy - Spring 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (4)

This course will address the unique psychological characterizations that come with AstrologyMapping.

Not only must the consulting astrologer have mastery of the technical aspects of astrology mapping,they are thereto serve the client in assessing their currentmappingsituation, as well as the advisability of a relocation.

Some people come toanAstro*Carto*Graphy(AstroMapping)consultationthinking that their problems are only a result of where they live;whileothers may truly have lingered too long in an unfavorable place. Both are situations that require skilled assessment and confident guidance.

Students will:

  • Develop sensitivity to the issues faced by clients who are seeking transformation in their own lives. Examine how the planets impact inherent & learned behaviors,which arebrought to light in the natal chart.
  • Addresscultural & environmental impacts when working with the clientwho wants true transformational change intheir lives.
  • Gain clarity and confidence in working with clients through a holistic approach to mapping in combination with the natal chart.
  • Deepentheirunderstanding ofthe possibilities that can berevealedthrough the practiceof AstroMapping.
  • Gainan awareness of how to integrate mapping lines with actual life experiences.

Weekly Topics:

  1. Great Expectations - What people think mapping is, vs.what it actually does. Anexploration ofthe psychological ramifications of mapping and issues that drive human behavior, such as trauma, past experiences, and futuristic expectations.
  2. The Natal Complex -Mapping as a reflection of the natal chart. See examples of how chart aspects and placements look on an actual Astro*Carto*Graphy map.How to evaluate thenatal chartforameaningful mapping consultation. A discussion of the Relocated Chart as compared to the driving forces of Angularity. Integration of astrological transits to the natal chart as a tool for timing and decisions related to mapping.
  3. The Shadow Process -A deep dive into what defines a shadowed planet in the natal complex. Stages of Emergence for a Shadowed Planet.How and why the human unconscious gets in the way of an effective mappingconsultation and/or a successful relocation.A deep dive into the concepts of shadow and projection as related to astrology, natal chart analysis, and astrology mapping.
  4. Astrological Themes and Archetypes -How astrology portrays and developshuman themes that transcend time and culture.An examination of Carl Jung’s model of the human journey from ego to individuation.Why mapping can elevate a person’s integration with self and others.How archetypes influence the perceptions of self and others and why these patternsare important toconsider inyour mapping consultation.
  5. Happy Life -Applying wisdom, intuition, and mapping skills for effective astrological counseling.How astrology mappingcanhelpto manifest a more fulfilling life for yourself and your clients.This week welcomes a guestAstro*Carto*Grapher(tba), for additional insight and experiences in astrology mapping. Discussion with this guest will includehis or her mostprofoundmapping experiences.

Required Reading and Resources:

Lewis, Jim & Kenneth Irving. 1997 (reissued Nov. 2012). The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy. London: Penguin Books.

Hathaway, Edith. 1991. Navigating by the Stars. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Books.

Liz Green. 2018. Jung’s Studies in Astrology. London: Routledge Publishing Ltd.

Your personal A*C*G map

  • Manager: Lori Waters
  • Teacher: Tamira McGillivray (She/Her)
  • Teacher: Maya White

Category: Spring 2023-2024

AM202 - AstroMapping II: The Astrology of Local Space - Summer 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (5)

This course provides students with astrological tools that can enhance their life by exploring their personal local landscape. While Astro*Carto*Graphy examines the interaction of the natal chart and planetary lines of influence across the globe, local space astrology brings the focus close to home.

Students will learn how to use and combine topographical maps, compass directions, and a local horizon chart in order to develop a living system within their immediate environment.

Students will also learn practical methods of using these local space techniques in their home or work in a manner similar to Feng Shui. Combining local space with the natal chart, transits, progressions, solar returns, and solar arcs can lead to innovative methods of enhancing or balancing one’s own local space to create a balanced and harmonious personal environment.

What is the basis of Local Space Astrology? As you move around your local horizon (with your feet grounded on the earth), different planets and aspects are highlighted. Local space techniques involve viewing and understanding natal directional planetary locations and indications using angularity, shifting aspect patterns in relationship to angles, and planetary altitude. (You will understand this sentence by the end of the course!)

  • Teacher: Tamira McGillivray (She/Her)

Category: Summer 2023-2024

CS151A Dignities and Debilities (Winter 21-22)

Search results | Kepler Classes (6)

Course description:Are planets better behaved in some signs than others? In opposition, what planet is most likely to win the tug of war? Are mutual receptions always nice? The key to answering these questions and many more is understanding dignities and debilities.

The traditional astrology tool of dignity and debility is a powerful and nuanced way to add detail to your chart interpretation. But many astrologers do not realize how effective and useful this tool can be or they think it is simply archaic and overly complicated. Nothing could be further from the truth!

The goal of this class is to show how you can reclaim this effective tool.

If you ever want to add horary and electional astrology to your toolkit, you already know you need to understand dignities and debilities. But this tool can add tremendously to your understanding of the natal chart. Unfortunately, it is rare that you can find a course that gives more than just a basic understanding or point listing.

"The instructor. Charlie was very methodical and knew the information very well. He presented the information in the best possible manner. His lectures went beyond the written word in the handout and he got his points out effectively. Also, Charlie was extremely patient with his students; questions were encouraged and you felt comfortable asking them."

“You really got the feeling that Charlie wanted you to learn. You could feel his excitement with the material too, which was awesome! I loved this class! I learned a lot and it made me very excited about astrology. I left feeling that I could actually look at a chart and understand it.”


Using clear explanations, examples, and exercises, Charlie will help you build your interpretative skill and guide you into a deeper understanding of the logic and power of the dignities and debilities. (Did you know that Aristotle described the soul as moving through each of the planetary spheres and choosing from them the qualities it wanted in its life. So, in esoteric astrology, the dignity system became a way of helping you to discover more about your soul's path and purpose.}

“I would like to thank Charles; this is the most helpful astrology course so far. It’s a very clear traditional astrology system, that introduces a method to analyze charts. The teaching is structured and to the point. I hope to see Charles in October for Cycle of the year.”

From William Lilly's book Christian Astrology (1647), Chapter 18 (with the spellings modernized):

The exact way of judicature [interpretation] in Astrology is,

First, by being perfect in the nature of the planets and Signs.

Second, by knowing the strength, fortitude or debility of the Planets, Significators, and a well posing of them and their aspects and several mixtures, in your judgment.

Third, by rightly applying the influence of the position of Heaven erected, and the Planets aspects to one another at the time of the Question, according to natural (and not enforced) maxims of Art; for by how much you endeavor to strain a judgment beyond nature, by so much the more you augment your Error.

A Planet is then said to be really strong when he has many Essential dignities, which are known, by his being either in his House [Rulership], Exaltation, Triplicity, Term or Face, at time of the erecting the Figure [chart].

Students will explore the full traditional system of essential dignity and debility, and how it can be a powerful tool in modern chart interpretation.

-You will receive an overview of

the history and etymology of the concepts dignity and debility

what the different dignities mean, and why there are different versions

the difference in understanding and using rulership and dignity in traditional and modern terms

how the meaning and usage of the dignities has changed through history

important concepts related to dignity - reception, almuten, peregrine

You will receive practice in

how to use both major and minor dignities to build nuance in chart interpretation

how dignity and reception help understand planetary aspects and the types of conversations the planets are having

how dignities can help you find assistance for a problematic point in the chart

Students meet in a live online session for 2 hours each week and will be able to download a copy of the recorded lecture. But we also want to make sure you can apply what you are learning.

In addition to the lectures, students will have a course website that includes additional resources, discussion forums, and many opportunities to practice the material with feedback from fellow students and the instructor. Each week students will meet online to go over the material for that week. All students will receive the opportunity to review and download their own copy of the recorded session.

Course name: CS151A:Dignities and Debilities

Instructors: CharlesObert

Course length: 5Weeks

Course cost: $295.00

Required Books:Obert, Charles. 2018. Using Dignities in Astrology. Minneapolis, MN: AlmutenPress. ($12.99 at, $25 on Amazon)

Prerequisite: fundamentalsor equivalent.

Students in the Diploma program who successfullypass this workshop can count it as 1/2 an elective in either the forecasting orinterpretation sections.

Weekly topics:

1.Introduction, Major Dignities


3.Accidental Dignities and Other Factors



Instructor bios:

Charlie Obert is a student of astrology since highschool and has studied and practiced both modern and traditional astrologytechniques. He teaches workshops and leads study groups on traditionalastrology. Charlie is the author of An Introduction to Traditional NatalAstrology and Using Dignities in Astrology, which are currently being used astextbooks at Kepler College. His teachers included Dr. Benjamin Dykes and ChrisBrennan.

Charlie's current focus is working on howtraditional and modern astrologers can complement and learn from each other. Hehas a twice-monthly blog on astrology topics on his website at

Listen to Charlie's interview on The AstrologyPodcast to find out more about his work on traditional dignities anddebilities.

Charlie teaches the following course:

CS151ADignities and Debilities

CS153A The Cycle of the Year: TraditionalPredictive Astrology

  • Teacher: Charles Obert
  • Non-editing teacher: Ali Gully
  • Non-editing teacher: Lindsay Michko

Category: Winter 2021-2022

CS201A Magical Elections (Fall 21-22)

Search results | Kepler Classes (7)

This counts as an elective.

Course name: CS201A Magical Elections

Instructor: NinaGryphon

Course length: 5Weeks

Course cost: $ 295

Required Books:

-PicatrixbyMaslamah ibn Ahmad Majriti. The Attrell and Porreca translation linked here ispreferred and will be used in the course. If you have another edition, that maybe acceptable depending on the quality, which has varied dramatically betweeneditions. Whatever edition you use, please ensure it is complete and has allfour books. Link:

-Book of RulershipsbyJ. Lee Lehman. Link:

-Three Books of Occult PhilosophybyHeinrich Agrippa. Online versions exist and can be used (such as;view=toc);for students wanting a physical book, Llewellyn's edition is a good, readableoption: Link:

-Christian AstrologybyWilliam Lilly. I recommend purchasing Books I and II (Link:, but if youdo not have a copy or want a modernized/footnoted experience, we will bestudying primarily Ch. 8-15, freely available, and conveniently annotated/resetby astrologer Deborah Houlding:

Christian Astrology, Ch. 8-11 - the Superior Planets,Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars:
Christian Astrology, Ch. 12-15 - The Sun and InferiorPlanets: Venus, Mercury, and the Moon:

Suggested Texts:

The following books or other resources are helpfulbut not required.

* Free astrology software (Windows)link:Morinus

* Planetary hours calculator link:Lunarium

*The Orphic Hymnsby trans. Prof. Athanassakis. The modern,literal translation of the Hymns to the Greek Gods. Link:, you can use the free 18th century translations by Thomas Taylor,available at this link: Taylor's style is a bit flowery and archaic, which may be a feature or abug, depending on your perspective.

*Influencesby Mary Quinlan-McGrath. An art historianexplains the magico-astronomical theory while exploring the astrology behindfamous Renaissance frescoes and buildings, revealing their original purpose astalismans. Link:

* Constellations of Words. Across-referenced listing of the fixed stars, their meanings, and

Pre-requisite: Basicto intermediate astrological knowledge is necessary for students to get themost out of this class. Students should understand basic natal astrology, aswell as transits. It is helpful but not necessary for students to have magicalknowledge or experience.

Course description:

This course will teach the theory, methods, andpractical application of astrological magic, as practiced in the West and theMiddle East for the past two thousand years. Historic astrological magic hasonly been fully rediscovered in the past two decades as older astrological andmagical texts were translated into modern languages.

The course will rely heavily on important magicaltexts such as the Picatrix (10th-century Arabic magical text), the2000-year-old Greek Magical Papyri, and other medieval and Renaissance textsthat teach magical methods. Astrological magic has been growing in popularitydue to its effectiveness compared to modern styles of magic, which do notutilize astrology and are therefore missing the crucial time factor.

The course will start with a discussion of thetheory and philosophical concepts underlying this style of magic, which werestrongly influenced by ancient Greek philosophy, as well as ancient Egyptiantraditions. Then, we will move into the astrological portion of the workshop toteach students how to elect the most favorable moments for magical rituals,including planetary magic, the use of fixed stars, decans, and access to thepersonal guardian daimon.

Strong astrological elections are key to successfulmagical rituals, and we will learn how to prioritize among many factors that gointo a high-quality electional horoscope. As part of this module, we will studyfor example magical electional horoscopes and examine ancient “recipes” forspecific magical effects. After learning the basics, we will turn to thepractical instructions for rituals for various needs (love, luck, career,studies, etc.). We will start with the intangible qualities we need to bring toa ritual and discuss material aspects of ritual (materials, incantations,writing styles, images, music, and more). We will learn about the deities andspiritual beings we call upon in order to create a magical effect and give lifeto the talisman. We will finish up with a discussion of the use and disposal ofcompleted talismans. At the end of the course, we will bring all of thistogether, as we will walk through at least one complete astrological magicalritual, start to finish, and create a real talisman together. We will gothrough additional examples if time permits.

Weekly topics:

1.Magical Philosophy, Theory, and History

2.Foundations of Astrological Magic &The Planets

3.Astrological Elections

4.Planetary Days/Hours, Fixed Stars,Decans

5.Fixed Stars, Lunar Mansions, and theGuardian Daimon

Instructor bio:

Nina Gryphonisa practicing astrologer and corporate lawyer living in Los Angeles, California,with her husband, Robert. Her predictions have appeared in many majorpublications, and she has been interviewed on radio and TV. She received herJD, and MA/BA (from Stanford University, and completed John Frawley’s HoraryApprenticeship. Since then, she has studied horary with Deborah Houlding, aleading traditional astrologer.

Nina practices traditional astrology, with aspecial emphasis on horary and astrological magic. She writes a horary columnfor The Mountain Astrologer, as well as articles for her blog, and teachesclasses and workshops worldwide. She publishes a popular monthly guide, MagicalElections, to the best upcoming magical elections, which includes detailed magicalguidance and education. Nina can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Nina is an instructor in:

  • Teacher: Nina Gryphon

Category: Fall 2021-2022

E201 - Vocational Astrology - Fall 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (8)


Learn core techniques that help your clients evaluate what types of work environment allows them to thrive.

The best job is one that matches who we are with how we earn a living. When there is a mismatch, we experience anxiety, frustration, and burnout. After two years of pandemic-induced stress and change in the workplace, millions of people are re-evaluating what they want to do with themselves to earn money. As astrologers, we have tools that can assist our clients to assess how their interests, abilities, values, and personalities impact their daily work.

This class introduces vocational astrology through a hands-on set of techniques and exercises. Students will test different methodologies on their own charts and the charts of well-known personalities.

Week 1: Introduction to vocational counseling and creative visualization. This week explores the basics of career counseling from a cultural and astrological perspective. Students will combine creative visualizations with astrological symbols to gain insight into an individual’s personality (for example, graphic depictions of “I like/I dislike” and “I want/I don’t want”)

Week 2: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 1. The Personal Planets and the Angles: their expression, needs, challenges, and interactions.

Week 3: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 2. The Astrological Houses: Traditionally, astrologers have used the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses along with the Midheaven as indicators of career. But the other houses also have their roles.

Weeks 4 and 5: Putting it together. Students will explore the effectiveness of different astrological methods to interpret career potential.

  • Teacher: Enid Newberg

Category: Fall 2023-2024

E201 - Vocational Astrology - Fall 2024-25

Search results | Kepler Classes (9)


Learn core techniques that help your clients evaluate what types of work environment allows them to thrive.

The best job is one that matches who we are with how we earn a living. When there is a mismatch, we experience anxiety, frustration, and burnout. After two years of pandemic-induced stress and change in the workplace, millions of people are re-evaluating what they want to do with themselves to earn money. As astrologers, we have tools that can assist our clients to assess how their interests, abilities, values, and personalities impact their daily work.

This class introduces vocational astrology through a hands-on set of techniques and exercises. Students will test different methodologies on their own charts and the charts of well-known personalities.

Week 1: Introduction to vocational counseling and creative visualization. This week explores the basics of career counseling from a cultural and astrological perspective. Students will combine creative visualizations with astrological symbols to gain insight into an individual’s personality (for example, graphic depictions of “I like/I dislike” and “I want/I don’t want”)

Week 2: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 1. The Personal Planets and the Angles: their expression, needs, challenges, and interactions.

Week 3: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 2. The Astrological Houses: Traditionally, astrologers have used the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses along with the Midheaven as indicators of career. But the other houses also have their roles.

Weeks 4 and 5: Putting it together. Students will explore the effectiveness of different astrological methods to interpret career potential.

  • Teacher: Enid Newberg

Category: Fall 2024-2025

E551A The Practical Art of Vocational Astrology (Summer 21-22)

Search results | Kepler Classes (10)


Learn core techniques that help your clients evaluate what types of work environment allows them to thrive.

The best job is one that matches who we are with how we earn a living. When there is a mismatch, we experience anxiety, frustration, and burnout. After two years of pandemic-induced stress and change in the workplace, millions of people are re-evaluating what they want to do with themselves to earn money. As astrologers, we have tools that can assist our clients to assess how their interests, abilities, values, and personalities impact their daily work.

This class introduces vocational astrology through a hands-on set of techniques and exercises. Students will test different methodologies on their own charts and the charts of well-known personalities.

Week 1: Introduction to vocational counseling and creative visualization. This week explores the basics of career counseling from a cultural and astrological perspective. Students will combine creative visualizations with astrological symbols to gain insight into an individual’s personality (for example, graphic depictions of “I like/I dislike” and “I want/I don’t want”)

Week 2: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 1. The Personal Planets and the Angles: their expression, needs, challenges, and interactions.

Week 3: Personal happiness and social usefulness Part 2. The Astrological Houses: Traditionally, astrologers have used the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses along with the Midheaven as indicators of career. But the other houses also have their roles.

Weeks 4 and 5: Putting it together. Students will explore the effectiveness of different astrological methods to interpret career potential.

  • Teacher: Joseph Crane
  • Teacher: Enid Newberg

Category: Summer 2021-2022

H105 - Astrology, Rebirth, and the Spiritual Life - Fall 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (11)

What can we tell from an astrological chart about the soul and potential past lives? It's a really good question, and astrologers have been finding answers since ancient Greece. This course looks at the intersection of ideas about the soul and astrological interpretation from ancient to modern. Each week, students will have a chance to work with a different technique, applying it to their own charts and the charts of others.

This course presents an overview of reincarnation's role in astrological practice and students are strongly encouraged to actively participate in both the live sessions and in online discussion forums. Basic knowledge of astrology is required, for we’ll look at different astrological techniques that have been used to tease out information about the soul's incarnations.

Weekly topics include:

  1. Planets are divine(or at least they are people)!
    The Western tradition: karma and metempsychosis
    Meeting the characters
    The ascent and descent of the soul
    Talking to your planets
  2. Daemons are Forever
    Find your soul's guardian spirit - Techniques from our astrological ancestors
    How to use the astrological chart to help a planet in need
  3. Karma and astrology from the Indian perspective.
    Indian astrology's approach to the lunar nodes
    Using the entire chart to talk of soul, incarnation, and reincarnation.
  4. The rebirth of reincarnation and astrology in the 1800s
    The soul's ghostly rise - Spiritualism
    Theosophy's multiple children consider reincarnation and the astrological chart:
    The Wheel of the Zodiac and the Seven Rays
  5. The Evolution of Evolutionary Astrology
    Birth and rebirth in modern times
    Pluto and the Nodes
    Reclaiming the Past

Our emphasis: engage in meaningful conversation; enjoy deeper exploration; and give astrologers additional tools for meaningful interpretation.

  • Teacher: Joseph Crane
  • Teacher: Enid Newberg

Category: Fall 2023-2024

PD103 - YouTube for Astrologers - Summer 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (12)

Youtube has been a revolutionary force for astrologers today. It provides a platform to reach others with your unique astrological voice, demonstrate your expertise, attract clients from around the world, and serves as a tool for many astrologers to be financially independent and self-supporting.

Video astrology is a skill of its own. This class is ideal if you are considering offering videos as part of your astrological practice, if you new to YouTube, or you want the support, ideas, and inspiration to reignite your established channel.

This class does assume you have some basic astrological knowledge, but registration is not limited only to astrologers. Anyone who is open to astrological insights and wants to bring a more conscious approach to developing a YouTube channel and creating a wholistic, spiritually integrated business, within a supportive environment, is welcome.

It is only the last half of the first class which specifically discusses astrological aspects of your own natal chart, as part of understanding the best strategies for you. Most of this course is practical, supportive, and a wonderful way to take your business to the next, most rewarding level for you.

An important part of this course is the mentorship offered by Nadiya. This is the only business course she teaches, only once a year, during which you will have access to her personal feedback and expertise, to help you as you uniquely might need, in her encouraging and positive style.

An overview of the syllabus:

Week 1


Setting an intention for our group

Setting an intention for your own work

Some basics about your own chart, to understand the best approach for you

Some basics on choosing the astrology of an official launch date for you

Homework: Explore your own chart for insights into how to best approach your channel, and choose a launch date (or 2).

Week 2

Knowing who you are and creating a niche

Being open to vision, slogans, catchphrases

How to make a video, the practical matters learning skills and being yourself

Practical steps to setting up your channel

Homework: Gather your tools and make a video! We will review it together during next week’s class

Week 3

Let’s review our videos!

Loving feedback and support

Week 4

The ubiquitous, mysterious YouTube algorithm

How to get views, subscribers, likes, followers, and cultivate community

Discover which social media platforms you prefer, and how to use them

The very many ways in which to make money on or through YouTube

Homework: Defining your goals, the role that YouTube will play, and your best approach to achieving your aims.

Week 5

More on making money

More on getting noticed and cultivating bigger opportunities

What are your next steps?

Last class Q and A

Homework: Creating a YouTube plan, or business plan.

BONUS: All students who complete the course will have an opportunity to submit a unique video for consideration for Nadiya’s Youtube channel

  • Manager: Lori Barnes
  • Teacher: Nadiya Shah

Category: Summer 2023-2024

PD103A - YouTube for Astrologers - Summer 2022-23

Search results | Kepler Classes (13)

Course description:

YouTube for Astrologers

Youtube has been a revolutionary force for astrologers today. It provides a platform to reach others with your unique astrological voice, demonstrate your expertise, attract clients from around the world, and serves as a tool for many astrologers to be financially independent and self-supporting.

Video astrology is a skill of its own. This class is ideal if you are considering offering videos as part of your astrological practice, if you new to YouTube, or you want the support, ideas, and inspiration to reignite your established channel.

This class does assume you have some basic astrological knowledge, but registration is not limited only to astrologers. Anyone who is open to astrological insights and wants to bring a more conscious approach to developing a YouTube channel and creating a wholistic, spiritually integrated business, within a supportive environment, is welcome.

It is only the last half of the first class which specifically discusses astrological aspects of your own natal chart, as part of understanding the best strategies for you. Most of this course is practical, supportive, and a wonderful way to take your business to the next, most rewarding level for you.

An important part of this course is the mentorship offered by Nadiya. This is the only business course she teaches, only once a year, during which you will have access to her personal feedback and expertise, to help you as you uniquely might need, in her encouraging and positive style.

Learn more about your course instructor:

French Vanity Fair named Nadiya Shah one of the top 12 astrologers on the planet, crowning her a pioneer in video astrology. She is an Internationally Syndicated Astrologer, Author, Television and Internet Personality, and is also one of the few people in the world to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination, from the University of Kent, United Kingdom.

Nadiya Shah is the author of several books, including The Body and The Cosmos, Prayers To The Sky, and The Universe is Wise & Loving, all of which debuted as #1 New Releases in New Age Astrology on Amazon. Her school Synchronicity University teaches astrology worldwide. At 161k+ subscribers, Nadiya’s wildly popular Youtube channel, nadiyashahdotcom is one of the most-watched Astrology channels in the world.

Find her online at

Nadiya teaches the following course:

PD103A YouTube for the Professional Astrologer

An overview of the syllabus:

Week 1


Setting an intention for our group

Setting an intention for your own work

Some basics about your own chart, to understand the best approach for you

Some basics on choosing the astrology of an official launch date for you

Homework: Explore your own chart for insights into how to best approach your channel, and choose a launch date (or 2).

Week 2

Knowing who you are and creating a niche

Being open to vision, slogans, catchphrases

How to make a video, the practical matters learning skills and being yourself

Practical steps to setting up your channel

Homework: Gather your tools and make a video! We will review it together during next week’s class

Week 3

Let’s review our videos!

Loving feedback and support

Week 4

The ubiquitous, mysterious YouTube algorithm

How to get views, subscribers, likes, followers, and cultivate community

Discover which social media platforms you prefer, and how to use them

The very many ways in which to make money on or through YouTube

Homework: Defining your goals, the role that YouTube will play, and your best approach to achieving your aims.

Week 5

More on making money

More on getting noticed and cultivating bigger opportunities

What are your next steps?

Last class Q and A

Homework: Creating a YouTube plan, or business plan.

BONUS: All students who complete the course will have an opportunity to submit a unique video for consideration for Nadiya’s Youtube channel

  • Teacher: Nadiya Shah

Category: Summer 2022-2023

PD103A YouTube for Astrologers (Summer 21-22)

Search results | Kepler Classes (14)

Course description:

YouTube for Astrologers

Youtube has been a revolutionary force for astrologers today. It provides a platform to reach others with your unique astrological voice, demonstrate your expertise, attract clients from around the world, and serves as a tool for many astrologers to be financially independent and self-supporting.

Video astrology is a skill of its own. This class is ideal if you are considering offering videos as part of your astrological practice, if you new to YouTube, or you want the support, ideas, and inspiration to reignite your established channel.

This class does assume you have some basic astrological knowledge, but registration is not limited only to astrologers. Anyone who is open to astrological insights and wants to bring a more conscious approach to developing a YouTube channel and creating a wholistic, spiritually integrated business, within a supportive environment, is welcome.

It is only the last half of the first class which specifically discusses astrological aspects of your own natal chart, as part of understanding the best strategies for you. Most of this course is practical, supportive, and a wonderful way to take your business to the next, most rewarding level for you.

An important part of this course is the mentorship offered by Nadiya. This is the only business course she teaches, only once a year, during which you will have access to her personal feedback and expertise, to help you as you uniquely might need, in her encouraging and positive style.

Learn more about your course instructor:

French Vanity Fair named Nadiya Shah one of the top 12 astrologers on the planet, crowning her a pioneer in video astrology. She is an Internationally Syndicated Astrologer, Author, Television and Internet Personality, and is also one of the few people in the world to hold an M.A. in the Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination, from the University of Kent, United Kingdom.

Nadiya Shah is the author of several books, including The Body and The Cosmos, Prayers To The Sky, and The Universe is Wise & Loving, all of which debuted as #1 New Releases in New Age Astrology on Amazon. Her school Synchronicity University teaches astrology worldwide. At 161k+ subscribers, Nadiya’s wildly popular Youtube channel, nadiyashahdotcom is one of the most-watched Astrology channels in the world.

Find her online at

Nadiya teaches the following course:

PD103A YouTube for the Professional Astrologer

An overview of the syllabus:

Week 1


Setting an intention for our group

Setting an intention for your own work

Some basics about your own chart, to understand the best approach for you

Some basics on choosing the astrology of an official launch date for you

Homework: Explore your own chart for insights into how to best approach your channel, and choose a launch date (or 2).

Week 2

Knowing who you are and creating a niche

Being open to vision, slogans, catchphrases

How to make a video, the practical matters learning skills and being yourself

Practical steps to setting up your channel

Homework: Gather your tools and make a video! We will review it together during next week’s class

Week 3

Let’s review our videos!

Loving feedback and support

Week 4

The ubiquitous, mysterious YouTube algorithm

How to get views, subscribers, likes, followers, and cultivate community

Discover which social media platforms you prefer, and how to use them

The very many ways in which to make money on or through YouTube

Homework: Defining your goals, the role that YouTube will play, and your best approach to achieving your aims.

Week 5

More on making money

More on getting noticed and cultivating bigger opportunities

What are your next steps?

Last class Q and A

Homework: Creating a YouTube plan, or business plan.

BONUS: All students who complete the course will have an opportunity to submit a unique video for consideration for Nadiya’s Youtube channel

  • Teacher: Nadiya Shah

Category: Summer 2021-2022

PD104A - Astropreneurship I - Summer 2022-23

Search results | Kepler Classes (15)

Course description:Do you want to become an astrological entrepreneur? Are you ready to begin your successful astrology business? Are you confused about where to start and what you need?

This is your first step toward developing a successful astrology practice. This course introduces issues to consider and tools needed to move toward a profitable business. Your vision and creativity are integral parts of this process.

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

1.Create a business name based on your inspiration and vision

2.Identify a form of business ownership to match your business interests and risk tolerance

3.Use proven business principles to create your successful business

4.Identify and develop your competitive advantage

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, you will have an understanding of:

1.Creating a business identity

2.Advantages and disadvantages of different business forms

3.Major business functions as they relate to the business system

Week 1

I.Business Creativity



C.The Name

II.Business Organization

A.Sole Proprietorship



F.Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)

G.Non-profit Corporation

H.Low-profit Corporation

Week 2

III.Business Administration






1.Client Contact

2.Astrology Software


4.Policies (Payments/Refunds)


1.Debt Financing

2.Equity Financing


1.Business Type

a.Service Business

b.Merchandising Business

c.Manufacturing Business

2.IRS Tax ID (

3.Financial Statements

Week 3


1.Market Research

2.The 4 Ps and 4 Cs of Marketing

3.Target Market (primary, secondary, and tertiary)

4.Intellectual Property




Week 4

6.Competitive Advantage

a.Albert Humphrey’s SWOT Analysis

b.Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model


8.Social Media






Week 5


1.Business Licenses

2.Local Ordinances and State Laws

3.Client Release Form and Disclaimer


1.General Liability Insurance

2.Home Business Insurance

Instructor bio:

Omari Martin, MAFM, LPMAFA, NCGR-PAA I is a certified professional astrologer and a life member of the American Federation Astrologers (AFA), President of The Friends of Astrology, Inc., Treasurer of the Astrology News Service, and Chairman of the board for Kepler College. He has a Level I certification through the National Council of Geocosmic Research – Professional Astrologer’s Alliance. He is a life member of the Organization for Professional Astrology, a certified teacher with the Church of Light – Brotherhood of Light lessons, and a certified integrative NLP practitioner through the Association for Integrative Psychology.

His academic credentials include a Bachelor of Business Administration-Accounting degree from Howard University and a Master of Accounting and Financial Management degree from Keller Graduate School of Management. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management specializing in Accounting at Capella University. He is the owner of SOULAR WISDOM™ a human personality and behavior consulting business that focuses on Natal and Electional Astrology and ASTROPRENEURSHIP® that provides consulting and coaching services to astrologers and other entrepreneurs for business development, profitability, and long-term strategic growth.He is an adjunct professor of accounting & finance at Harold Washington College in Chicago, IL.

Omari teaches the following courses:

E540A Introduction to Mundane Astrology

PD104A Astropreunership

  • Teacher: Omari Martin

Category: Summer 2022-2023


Search results | Kepler Classes (16)

Course description:Do you want to become an astrological entrepreneur? Are you ready to begin your successful astrology business? Are you confused about where to start and what you need?

This is your first step toward developing a successful astrology practice. This course introduces issues to consider and tools needed to move toward a profitable business. Your vision and creativity are integral parts of this process.

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

1.Create a business name based on your inspiration and vision

2.Identify a form of business ownership to match your business interests and risk tolerance

3.Use proven business principles to create your successful business

4.Identify and develop your competitive advantage

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, you will have an understanding of:

1.Creating a business identity

2.Advantages and disadvantages of different business forms

3.Major business functions as they relate to the business system

Week 1

I.Business Creativity



C.The Name

II.Business Organization

A.Sole Proprietorship



F.Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)

G.Non-profit Corporation

H.Low-profit Corporation

Week 2

III.Business Administration






1.Client Contact

2.Astrology Software


4.Policies (Payments/Refunds)


1.Debt Financing

2.Equity Financing


1.Business Type

a.Service Business

b.Merchandising Business

c.Manufacturing Business

2.IRS Tax ID (

3.Financial Statements

Week 3


1.Market Research

2.The 4 Ps and 4 Cs of Marketing

3.Target Market (primary, secondary, and tertiary)

4.Intellectual Property




Week 4

6.Competitive Advantage

a.Albert Humphrey’s SWOT Analysis

b.Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model


8.Social Media






Week 5


1.Business Licenses

2.Local Ordinances and State Laws

3.Client Release Form and Disclaimer


1.General Liability Insurance

2.Home Business Insurance

Instructor bio:

Omari Martin, MAFM, LPMAFA, NCGR-PAA I is a certified professional astrologer and a life member of the American Federation Astrologers (AFA), President of The Friends of Astrology, Inc., Treasurer of the Astrology News Service, and Chairman of the board for Kepler College. He has a Level I certification through the National Council of Geocosmic Research – Professional Astrologer’s Alliance. He is a life member of the Organization for Professional Astrology, a certified teacher with the Church of Light – Brotherhood of Light lessons, and a certified integrative NLP practitioner through the Association for Integrative Psychology.

His academic credentials include a Bachelor of Business Administration-Accounting degree from Howard University and a Master of Accounting and Financial Management degree from Keller Graduate School of Management. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management specializing in Accounting at Capella University. He is the owner of SOULAR WISDOM™ a human personality and behavior consulting business that focuses on Natal and Electional Astrology and ASTROPRENEURSHIP® that provides consulting and coaching services to astrologers and other entrepreneurs for business development, profitability, and long-term strategic growth.He is an adjunct professor of accounting & finance at Harold Washington College in Chicago, IL.

Omari teaches the following courses:

E540A Introduction to Mundane Astrology

PD104A Astropreunership

  • Manager: Karen McCauley (she/her)
  • Teacher: Omari Martin
  • Teacher: Tamira McGillivray (She/Her)

Category: Summer 2020-2021

PD301 - Fundamentals of Life Coaching for Astrologers Part I - Spring 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (17)

Life Coaching is a professional service in which the coach uses a co-collaborative process to guide the client through self-discovery; helping them clarify a new vision, formulating strategies to helping foster accountability to reach set goals.

Life Coaching and astrology are a perfect fit for a counseling astrologer. The astrologer co-collaborates with the client as both coach and astrologer to achieve goals based on the strengths and challenges seen in the astrology chart. The astrologer now has an on-going coaching relationship with the client rather than seeing the client once or twice a year. Additionally, the astrologer is in the position of being a more effective guide which not only leads to the success of the client this also fosters better client retention.

This course is divided into two 5-week classes. The purpose of the first five weeks is to provide instructions on the fundamentals of Life Coaching for astrologers which includes:

  • the four elements of coaching
  • how to use the chart to recognize talents and the potential for success along with what is potentially holding the client back concerning achieving their goals
  • determining your niche
  • how to combine coaching with astrology
  • how to support the client
  • how to ask the right questions
  • setting up the coaching session, practice coaching sessions with peers
  • how to be a co-collaborator with the client.

Grading will be done via written quizzes, reading assignments, class participation and practice coaching sessions.

Prerequisites: none

Required books: Links articles and handouts will be provided at the beginning of the course.

  • Manager: Lori Barnes
  • Teacher: Marie O'Neill

Category: Spring 2023-2024

PD304 - Astropreneurship - Summer 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (18)

Course description:Do you want to become an astrological entrepreneur? Are you ready to begin your successful astrology business? Are you confused about where to start and what you need?

This is your first step toward developing a successful astrology practice. This course introduces issues to consider and tools needed to move toward a profitable business. Your vision and creativity are integral parts of this process.

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

1.Create a business name based on your inspiration and vision

2.Identify a form of business ownership to match your business interests and risk tolerance

3.Use proven business principles to create your successful business

4.Identify and develop your competitive advantage

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, you will have an understanding of:

1.Creating a business identity

2.Advantages and disadvantages of different business forms

3.Major business functions as they relate to the business system

Week 1

I.Business Creativity



C.The Name

II.Business Organization

A.Sole Proprietorship



F.Limited Liability Corporation (LLC)

G.Non-profit Corporation

H.Low-profit Corporation

Week 2

III.Business Administration






1.Client Contact

2.Astrology Software


4.Policies (Payments/Refunds)


1.Debt Financing

2.Equity Financing


1.Business Type

a.Service Business

b.Merchandising Business

c.Manufacturing Business

2.IRS Tax ID (

3.Financial Statements

Week 3


1.Market Research

2.The 4 Ps and 4 Cs of Marketing

3.Target Market (primary, secondary, and tertiary)

4.Intellectual Property




Week 4

6.Competitive Advantage

a.Albert Humphrey’s SWOT Analysis

b.Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model


8.Social Media






Week 5


1.Business Licenses

2.Local Ordinances and State Laws

3.Client Release Form and Disclaimer


1.General Liability Insurance

2.Home Business Insurance

  • Manager: Lori Barnes
  • Teacher: Omari Martin

Category: Summer 2023-2024

RP203 - Working with the Moon - Spring 2023-24

Search results | Kepler Classes (19)

Working with the Moon is a class that explores ways to work with the Moon in predictive astrology. The Moon is a key factor when it comes to timing because it represents our emotional and physical bodies and cycles of life.

Weekly Topics:

  1. Electional Rules for the Moon & Void of Course Moon: Learn the basic electional rules for working with the Moon and what to expect with the Void of Course Moon.

  2. Moon Phases & Progressed Moon Phases: Review the eight soli-lunar phases and how they show where one is at in a given cycle. Learn how the progressed Moon reveals the current phase in a 30-year cycle of living one's purpose.

  3. Lunar Returns & Progressed Lunar Returns: Learn about lunar returns and progressed lunar returns. Be able to predict the types of things likely to happen at these times.

  4. Eclipses & Saros Cycles: Learn the foundations of eclipses and Saros cycles --- what they signal, how they help us spotlight the past and future, and how the light of the Sun and Moon work together.

  5. Nakshatras: Learn the basics of Nakshatras and how to implement this in predictive work.

Required books:

Astrology By Moonlight: Exploring the Relationship Between Moon Phases & Planets to Improve & Illuminate Your Life by Tara Aal & Aswin Subramanyan

Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark by Bernadette Brady


Software: Planet Dance and Jagannath Hora (both are free programs)

Dane Rudhyar's Lunation Cycles


Basic understanding of planets, signs, houses and aspects

  • Manager: Morgan Garriott
  • Manager: Carol Tebbs
  • Teacher: Tara Aal
  • Teacher: Aswin Subramanyan

Category: Spring 2023-2024

W101 - Fundamentals I: Introduction to Astrology - Fall 2022-23

Search results | Kepler Classes (20)

Course description:

This course is designed for students who know the very basics of astrology and/or want to solidify the astrological knowledge they have already gained on their own. The astrological chart will be taken apart in order for students to clearly understand how each set of symbols functions and how their interaction provides the basis of interpretation. Students in this course will not only build a solid understanding of the basics of astrology but learn how to immediately apply what they learn to chart interpretation, even if there is no birth time.

Topics covered include:

  • An introduction to the astronomical underpinnings of the astrological chart
  • Exploration of the interplay between astronomy and the astrological meanings of the planets; comparing meanings from Hellenistic to modern; and an introduction to the mythology and archetypal meaning of the planets.
  • Introduction to natal retrograde planets and meaning.
  • Understanding the big picture by working with elements, modes, and polarities; the hemispheres and quadrants, and Marc Edmund Jones modern chart patterns.
  • Examining the construction of meaning within the astrological signs.
  • Introduction to the astrological houses and how they are created; the meanings of the houses and their changes over time; how to use the houses to enhance an interpretation.
  • Introduction to the major aspects.
  • Introduction to basic dignities, debilities, and dispositor trees to help hone chart interpretation.
  • Layering all this together to create your own interpretation without any outside resource

By the end, students will have a solid understanding of the planets and how the signs and houses modify their meaning. They will learn to evaluate what planets are highlighted in the chart based on their placement by sign and house, basic dignities, and their interaction through aspects and dispositors. They will be able to synthesize this information into a basic coherent and meaningful interpretation without relying on outside resources.

*Required for the Professional Diploma

Course name: W101Fundamentals l: Introduction

Instructors: VanessaLundborg and Donna Young

Course length: 10weeks

Course cost: $585

Required Books:

-Obert, Charlie, Introduction to Traditional NatalAstrology: A Complete Working Guide for Modern Astrologers.

-Gillett, Roy. 2011,2012. The Secret Language ofAstrology.


-Dyke, Benjamin.Traditional Astrology for Today, An Introduction. The Cazimi Press Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2010

Pre-requisite: None

Weekly topics:

1. The Big Picture

2. Planets

3. Elements andQualities

4. The Sign’s

5. Quadrants andPatterns

6. The Houses

7. Major Aspects

8. Introduction tothe basics of dignities and debilities

9. Layeringmeaning

10. Putting it together

Instructor bios:

Donna Youngisa professional astrologer based in central Alberta. Immersed in the astrologycommunity at all levels, she lectures locally and internationally and helps toorganize a conference in Alberta on an annual basis.Her favorite thingis getting people excited about astrology, and holds hope that it will one daybe understood and accepted broadly enough that it returns to its roots as anessential part of education.

Donna practices a fusion of traditional and moderntechniques and has a degree from Kepler College where she is a current facultymember and Director of Operations. Donna served as an OPA board member, is apeer group leader, a contributing author to The Professional Astrologer, and isOPA’s western Canadian Satellite Representative. As a Cree Metis, she isfascinated by indigenous star culture, and gardens using the cycles of the moonas her guide.

Certified as a peer group leader by theOrganization for Professional Astrology, she serves on their board as Directorof Publications and Canadian representative. She is a graduate of the KeplerCollege degree program and currently serves asDirector ofOperations.

Donna teaches in the following course:

Vanessa Lundborg isan avid astrologer, Resonance Repatterning practitioner, and certifiedconsulting hypnotist, using astrology every day in a personal and professionalcapacity.

She is a recipient of Kepler’s Professional Diploma in Astrology andcontinues to be involved with the college as a TA for the Bridge Course andW101 Fundamentals

Vanessa's specialties include natal andrelationship astrology, Past Life Exploration, and working with the stars andsubconscious in so many ways to increase positive life responses and joy.

  • Teacher: Vanessa Lundborg
  • Teacher: Donna Young (she/her)
  • Non-editing teacher: Callum Wilkinson

Category: Fall 2022-2023

Show all 49

Search results | Kepler Classes (2024)


How to get extra 12 months of GI Bill? ›

However, after you exhaust all 36 months of your MGIB benefits, you will receive an additional 12 months of Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits. Other programs: If you are covered under VEAP, EATP, or MGIB-SR by serving two different, qualifying periods of service, the DVA will apply what they refer to as the “48- month” rule.

What do chapter 33 benefits pay for? ›

The Post-9/11 GI Bill®, also known as Chapter 33, provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or for individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days.

What happens if your GI Bill runs out mid semester? ›

Benefits will stop on the day the student exhaust his or her remaining entitlement. If you are a dependent, there is no exceeding the 36th month of the Post 9/11 GI Bill®, and payments will stop mid semester if your eligibility is exhausted.

Do I qualify for the forever GI bill? ›

If you have at least 90 days of aggregate active duty service after Sept. 10, 2001 and are still on active duty, or if you are an honorably discharged veteran or were discharged with a service- connected disability after 30 days, you may be eligible for this VA-administered program.

Can I get full bah for online classes? ›

For online learning

We base your monthly housing allowance on the national average. We'll pay you up to $1,177.50 (equal to half the national average for MHA). This is the maximum amount we'll pay you each month.

How much money do you get from the GI Bill monthly? ›

The Post-9/11 GI Bill also pays a monthly housing allowance based on the ZIP code of the location of the school or campus where you attend the majority of your classes. This stipend averages $1,934.80 a month but can exceed $2,700 depending on where you go to school.

How much is the VR&E chapter 31 stipend? ›

Effective 10-1-2023, the maximum monthly rate for Chapter 31 Subsistence Allowance is $3,251.38.

Who is eligible for 48 months of GI Bill? ›

If you've served on active duty after Sept. 10, 2001, you may qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33). Through the Post-9/11 GI Bill, you may be able to get 48 months of VA education benefits.

Does the GI Bill pay for 4 years of college? ›

Additional education: The Post-9/11 GI Bill covers up to 36 months of college or career training. If you need more time because you transferred schools, switched degree programs or took on an advanced degree, then you'll have to cover the costs.

Do you have to pay back GI Bill if you fail a class? ›

You can fail a class and the VA will not create a debt against you and will pay for you to retake the class as long as you attended the course through the end of the semester (EU grades are NOT the same as E grades and are considered unofficial withdraws).

What is the 81 month rule? ›

If your parent was a service member who died in the line of duty before August 1, 2011, you may qualify for both the DEA program and the Fry Scholarship. But you can use only one benefit at a time. In this case, we cap combined DEA and Fry Scholarship benefits at 81 months of full-time training.

Do I have to apply for chapter 35 every semester? ›

You will have to certify every semester after you have registered for courses. Delaying this step can delay your stipend payments. First certification will be sent to the VA at the beginning of the term or when you requested.

What GPA is required for GI Bill? ›

Academic EligibilityMilitary & Veterans

To maintain your academic eligibility for GI Bill benefits, you'll need to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. If you drop below the GPA, you'll be placed on academic probation, which could result in cancellation of benefits.

How many years is a full GI Bill? ›

Benefit Fact Sheet
Member Serves:Percentage of Maximum Benefit Payable
At least 36 months100%
At least 30 continuous days on active duty and must be discharged due to service-connected disability or received a Purple Heart (Purple Heart effective August 1, 2018)100%
At least 30 months, but less than 36 months90%
4 more rows
Mar 25, 2024

Can I pass my GI Bill to my kids? ›

A: As an eligible Service member, you can transfer Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to your spouse, your children, or any combination of eligible family members. Children enrolled in DEERS can receive transferred benefits: From age 18 through 20.

How to get more money from GI Bill? ›

By following these steps, you may even be able to complete more than one degree.
  1. Take at Least One In-Person Class Each Term. ...
  2. Make Sure to Take Advantage of All Financial Aid. ...
  3. Maximize the Number of Credits Taken. ...
  4. Strategically Use Your Benefits. ...
  5. Test Out of Classes.

How to get 48 months of VA benefits? ›

The Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) may help you pay for school or job training. If you've served on active duty after Sept. 10, 2001, you may qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33). Through the Post-9/11 GI Bill, you may be able to get 48 months of VA education benefits.

Can you get an extension of GI Bill benefits? ›

To be approved for an extension of your GI Bill benefits after serving on active duty at a later time, send a written extension request to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Can you get the GI Bill more than once? ›

Generally, if you're eligible for more than 1 education benefit, you may be able to get up to a maximum of 48 months (or 4 years) of VA education benefits. This doesn't include Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) benefits (Chapter 31). But many applicants are eligible for up to 36 months (or 3 years) only.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.