Miro - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks (2024)

Total number of products currently in use by this company, as detected by G2 Stack.

Total downloads for the previous month for all apps published by this company, as detected by Apptopia.

Total number of technologies currently in use by this company, as detected by BuiltWith.

Total (non-unique) visits to site for the last month; includes desktop and mobile web.

Percent change in total visits to site from previous month. Includes both desktop and mobile web.

Month over month change in total downloads for the publisher across all apps, as detected by Apptopia.

App Name: The name of the app that this publisher has created.

App Store: Designates which store(s) a given app is offered on.

Monthly Downloads: Number of total downloads of a given app, including both Google Play and iOS downloads where applicable. Data is based on previous month estimates.

Country: Represents the top 5 countries by total traffic to the site.

Share of Monthly Visits: Percent of total site visits that come from a given country.

Monthly Visits Growth: Percent change in total visits to site for a given country from previous month. Includes both desktop and mobile web.

Site's Rank in Country: Traffic rank of site, as compared to all other sites in a given country.

Monthly Rank Growth: Percentage change in traffic rank of site in a given country from previous month.

Topic: Topics are a specific type of product or service that a company’s employees are searching for, indicating potential intent to take action.

Topic Category: Topic categories are a class of topics, provided by Bombora.

Surge Score: Surge score measures the intensity to which a company demonstrates interest on a particular topic. It is calculated on a scale of 0-100. The higher the score, the higher the interest.

Weekly Surge Change: Week-over-week percentage change in Surge Score.

Weeks Surging: Number of consecutive weeks a topic has been surging for a company (Surge Score greater than 64).

Miro - Tech Stack, Apps, Patents & Trademarks (2024)


What tech stack does Miro use? ›

What is Miro's tech stack? The top technologies used by Miro are:- The English Quiz, Pave and Lattice You can also explore 524 technologies across 20 categories used by Miro mentioned earlier on this page.

What programming language does Miro use? ›

Miro Web SDK and REST API usage
Feature/RequirementMiro Web SDK
Third-party product integrationInitiate from Miro board
Board open in browser or Miro native appBoard must be open (online)
Backend hostingNot required
Programming languageTypescript/JavaScript
4 more rows

What is Miro coded in? ›

Miro is mostly written in Python, although it links to various libraries written in a variety of languages. Versions through 2. x had an almost entirely HTML/CSS based UI. Miro uses embedded WebKit in a GTK window on Unix/Linux (Mozilla Gecko/XUL until 3.0.

Is Miro Russian owned? ›

Miro is a US-based corporation, registered in Delaware, with co-headquarters in San Francisco and Amsterdam. All of our executives, our employees, and operations are located within the US, EU, and APAC.

Why is Miro so successful? ›

Miro is optimized for online collaboration. We use it to hold workshops online, a clear advantage as remote and distributed teams become more common. It's easy for our clients to access; they can view our work without the barriers of needing an account or logging in.

What is Miro best for? ›

With Miro, you can take advantage of a full set of collaboration capabilities, make cross-functional teamwork effortless, and organize meetings and workshops: use video chat, presentation, sharing, and many other features.

What is Miro technology? ›

Miro, formerly known as RealtimeBoard, is a digital collaboration platform designed to facilitate remote and distributed team communication and project management.

Is Miro an Atlassian tool? ›

Miro integrates with Atlassian: With Miro, Confluence and Jira give you a seamless workflow and a synced-up, live view of your boards, tasks, and project documentation.

Is Miro a Microsoft application? ›

Is Miro a Microsoft application? No it is not, but it can integrate with Microsoft products.

Is Miro a Google tool? ›

Miro is the online workspace for innovation — together. Connecting Miro across your Google Workspace™ gives you a better way to collaborate visually, with powerful, yet easy-to-use tools to boost engagement and creativity for distributed teams.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.