How to Say "Thank You!" in Mexican Spanish - SpanishPod101 (2024)


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Lesson Transcript

Hola! Hello, and welcome to Mexican Spanish Survival Phrases, brought to you by This course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Mexico. You'll be surprised at how far a little Spanish will go. Now, before we jump in, remember to stop by and there you'll find the accompanying lesson note and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment!
How to Say "Thank You!" in Mexican Spanish
Hello! Hola! My name is Laura. and I'll be your language teacher and cultural guide throughout this introductory course.
Wherever your destination may be, manners are a must! Mexico is no different. So in our very first lesson, we'll be teaching you simple expressions that are bound to come in handy throughout your trip to Mexico. I can’t stress this enough: a little a bit of language can go a long way!
In Mexico, the most simple way of saying “Thank you” is
Let’s break it down:
(slow) gra-ci-as.
Once more:
Gracias is used just like “thank you” in English.
But, there will be occasions when you will wish to express gratitude in a more polite and obvious manner, and then you should use the expression muchas gracias.
Let’s break that down:
(slow) Mu-chas gra-ci-as.
Once more:
Muchas gracias.
The word muchas means “much” or “very”, therefore the English equivalent for muchas gracias is “Thank you very much”.
Another useful expression to show your gratitude in Mexico, would be mil gracias. This literally means “a thousand thanks”. People use this phrase to emphasize that they are really thankful to you.
Let’s break that down:
(slow) Mil gra-ci-as.
Once more:
Mil gracias.
To close out the lessons, we’d like you to practice what you have just learned. I’ll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you’re responsible for shouting it out loud. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so !buena suerte! which means “Good luck!” in Spanish.
“Thank you.”
(3 sec) gracias.
(slow) gra-ci-as.
“Thank you very much.”
(3 sec) muchas gracias.
(slow) mu-chas gra-ci-as.
Muchas gracias.
“A thousand thanks.”
(3 sec) mil gracias.
(slow) mil gra-ci-as.
Mil gracias.
Alright! That's going to do it for this lesson. Remember to stop by and pick up the accompanying PDF lesson notes. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment! Hasta luego.



How to Say "Thank You!" in Mexican Spanish - SpanishPod101 (2024)


How to Say "Thank You!" in Mexican Spanish - SpanishPod101? ›

gracias. Gracias is used just like “thank you” in English. But, there will be occasions when you will wish to express gratitude in a more polite and obvious manner, and then you should use the expression muchas gracias.

How do you say thank you very much in Mexico? ›

Muchas gracias (MOO-chahs GRAH-seeahs) means 'thanks a lot' or 'thank you very much' Muchísimas gracias (moo-CHEE-see-mahs GRAH-seeahs) means 'thanks a lot' or 'thank you very very much'. Mil gracias (meel GRAH-seeahs) means 'a thousand thank yous'

How do you express gratitude in Mexico? ›

Depending on the level of gratitude, you may use different expressions in Spanish. For example, if you want to communicate deep gratitude or appreciation, you might use "muchas gracias" or "agradezco mucho" (I appreciate it a lot). For a simple "thank you," however, "gracias" or "te agradezco" is more than acceptable.

How do you say thank you in Spanish funny? ›

Meanwhile, saying it with a questioning, sharp tone will instantly make it sarcastic. You may also use “gracias por nada” (thanks for nothing), or “pues nada, muchas gracias…” reluctantly (alright then, thank you…). I hope this helps. It is the pretty much the same for South American Spanish too.

How do you show respect in Mexico? ›

Show heightened respect to those that are noticeably older than yourself. Give way to them in public, and allow them to be served first or take your seat if all are full. Do not toss someone an object to pass it to them. Hand it to them directly and respectfully.

What is the most common greeting in Mexico? ›

When greeting someone in Mexico, it is customary to make physical contact, rather than simply saying “hello.” A handshake is the most common form of greeting between strangers, though friends will usually greet each other with a single kiss on the cheek.

How do you tell someone to have a good day in Mexico? ›

Que tengas un buen día, Que tenga un buen día

This is the most common way to say have a good day in Spanish. The verb tener means to have in Spanish, so this expression translates literally as may you have a good day. Another common variant is que tengas buen día, dropping the indefinite article un.

What is respectful in Mexico? ›

Common courtesies such as saying please, thank you etc. go a long way in Mexico. Learn some Spanish before you come to Mexico is also a good way of showing respect - any effort that you make to speak the language in Mexico is really appreciated. Greeting everyone is also a sign of respect.

What is the best response for Gracias? ›

  • De nada (You're welcome)
  • No hay de qué (You're welcome)
  • No hay por qué darlas (There's no need to thank me)
  • No hay problema (No problem)
  • No es nada (It's nothing)
  • Por nada (Not at all)
  • No se preocupe (Don't worry; Don't mention it)
  • Ni lo mencione (Don't mention it)
Oct 21, 2023

What can I say instead of de nada? ›

It means You're welcome in Spanish. This is the most common way to say You're welcome in Spanish. What can I say instead of De nada? You can also say Con gusto, A la orden, No es nada, and Por nada, depending on the situation.

How do you say sorry in Mexico? ›

If you want to be very apologetic, or if you're concerned you've just offended or hurt someone, you can say Perdón or Perdóneme, por favor. Literally, these phrases mean “Sorry” or “Forgive (me)” and “Forgive me, please”.

How do you say no worries in Mexico? ›

No te preocupes/No se preocupe

No te preocupes is the translation of “no worries” in Spanish.

What is goodbye in Mexico? ›

Adiós. / “Goodbye.”

Do Mexicans say muchas gracias? ›

Once more: Muchas gracias. The word muchas means “much” or “very”, therefore the English equivalent for muchas gracias is “Thank you very much”. Another useful expression to show your gratitude in Mexico, would be mil gracias.

What does thanks mucho mean? ›

Thank you very much.

What are Mexico's greetings? ›

Mexican Culture

A firm handshake with eye contact and a smile is the appropriate greeting in most situations. In more casual settings, people may simply give one another a nod of the head. Once people become acquainted, greetings become a lot warmer and Mexicans often prefer to embrace (abrazo).

What is a common saying in Mexico? ›

Qué onda

¿Qué onda? is a question friends in Mexico often ask each other. An informal greeting, this expression can be roughly translated into English as “what's up?”. Responding to your Mexican friends in Spanish, then, is similar to how you would answer the same question in English.

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