Cómo saber quien deja de seguirte en Instagram sin usar apps ni webs de terceros (2024)

Vamos a explicarte cómo saber si alguien ha dejado de seguirte en Instagram, sin necesidad de utilizar ninguna aplicación o web de terceros que robe tus datos. Es un proceso que puede resultar un poco tedioso o largo si quieres comprobarlo con muchas personas, pero es sencillo y cómodo si quieres hacer la comprobación con pocos usuarios.

Esto es algo que te va a servir para comprobar si personas concretas dejaron de seguirte, ya que Instagram no puede notificarte si alguien deja de hacerlo. La mecánica es simple, cuando entras en el perfil de usuario de alguien en Instagram, podrás saber rápidamente si esta persona te sigue. Si es alguien que te seguía antes, sabrás que ha dejado de hacerlo ahora.

Comprueba si continúa siguiéndote una cuenta

Cómo saber quien deja de seguirte en Instagram sin usar apps ni webs de terceros (1)

Lo primero que tienes que hacer es buscar un usuario que creas que puede haberte dejado de seguir en Instagram. Puedes usar el buscador o mirar entre los que tú sigues. Lo que debes hacer es entrar en el perfil de este usuario, que es donde ves sus publicaciones.

Si la cuenta de este usuario es privada y no te deja ver sus publicaciones, es porque te ha dejado de seguir, y si no te sale el usuario o te sale la página en blanco, habrá borrado su cuenta o te habrá bloqueado. Pero con las cuentas abiertas donde puedes ver el contenido, lo que tienes que hacer es pulsar sobre su número de seguidos para acceder a la lista de cuentas a las que este usuario sigue.

Cómo saber quien deja de seguirte en Instagram sin usar apps ni webs de terceros (3)

Si tu nombre de usuario sale al principio de la lista de esta persona es porque te sigue. Instagram siempre te pone a ti primero cuando ves la lista de seguidores de una persona que te está siguiendo.

Cómo saber quien deja de seguirte en Instagram sin usar apps ni webs de terceros (4)

Si tu nombre de usuario no sale al principio de la lista de las cuentas a las que sigue esta persona, solo puede ser porque la cuenta ha dejado de seguirte. Entonces, ya habrás conseguido esta información sin tener que andar vinculando tu cuenta y regalando tus datos a aplicaciones o servicios de terceros.

Cuidado con las apps de terceros

El caso de las aplicaciones de terceros es un poco complicado, ya que Instagram ha restringido hasta tal punto su API que prácticamente ninguna es capaz de analizar correctamente quién no te sigue. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de apps que te prometen que lo hacen mienten, aunque siempre hay alguna sorprendente excepción.

Además, también has de saber que cuando utilizas una aplicación de terceros le estás dando tus datos. No sólo los de inicio de sesión de tu cuenta, sino el contenido de esta cuenta que puedan recopilar. Hay apps de terceros que tienen mucho cuidado con cuidar de tu privacidad, aunque siempre existe la posibilidad de que en el futuro cambie de manos y de filosofía.

Cómo saber quien deja de seguirte en Instagram sin usar apps ni webs de terceros (2024)


Who doesn't follow me back on Instagram without an app? ›

Check your followers or the person's

Just go to your profile and hit up “Following.” Then, in the search bar, type in the name of someone you're curious about. If they don't pop up in the list, either they don't follow you back or they've given you the ol' unfollow.

How do you know when people don't follow you back on Instagram? ›

Simply head over to their Instagram profile and tap the box that says “Following.” There, you'll see a list of people that person is following. If you know for sure they were following you, but you're not on that list, you can safely assume you've been unfollowed. Sounds easy, right?

Who is following me on Instagram? ›

Open the Instagram app on your iPhone and log in to your account. Tap on your profile icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen to access your profile page. Next, tap on the number of followers displayed below your bio to view your list of followers.

What is free Instagram app? ›

Instagram is a free photo and video sharing app available on iPhone and Android. People can upload photos or videos to our service and share them with their followers or with a select group of friends. They can also view, comment and like posts shared by their friends on Instagram.

How to see who unfollowed you on Instagram with an app? ›

FollowMeter. FollowMeter is an app that gives you insights about your Instagram popularity, unfollowers, secret admirers, and ghost followers. Once downloaded and installed on your device, you'll be asked to sign in to your Instagram account through the app.

How do I remove unfollowers on Instagram? ›

Open Users tab and get access to all Instagram accounts you follow. Click Not followers and see a list of all users that don't follow you back. Click Select All and then push Unfollow the users button to mass-unfollow all Instagram accounts that don't follow you. That's it!

Can I see who I follow but doesn't follow me back? ›

To do this, navigate to your profile on one device and tap the "Following" button to see a list of all the users you follow. Then, compare this list to your followers list on another device to identify any accounts that you follow that don't follow you back.

How to check Instagram unfollowers online? ›

Tap your Instagram account near the top of the page. Tap Recent Unfollowers. It's an option in the middle of the page.

Can people who dont follow you back on Instagram see your story? ›

Stories are open to everyone. Even if they don't follow you, they can still see your stories but nothing else. If someone saw your story from an account that wasn't following you, this is how: Your account was set to public.

Why can't I see someone's full following list on Instagram? ›

It's important to note that on a private Instagram account, the list of followers is not publicly visible to anyone except the account owner. This includes the list of new followers. Instagram's privacy settings are designed to protect the privacy of users and their followers.

Why does Instagram say I'm following someone when I'm not? ›

Auto following is usually the result of giving a third-party app or website access to your Instagram account.

How to tell if someone is on Instagram? ›

There are a few ways to see when someone's active on Instagram: You'll see or a timestamp next to the profile picture of people you follow or have direct conversations with. In your direct inbox, you'll see their most recent Activity status (example: Active 25m ago, Active yesterday, Seen, Typing...).

How to see who stalks your Instagram? ›

Here are a few of the most popular methods to see who stalks your Instagram profile.
  1. Check your Instagram profile interactions.
  2. Check who views your Instagram stories.
  3. Check your Instagram followers.
  4. (Don't) use third-party apps.
  5. Use Instagram Insights.
Jun 22, 2023

What is an Instagram shadow page? ›

Instagram shadow accounts, also known as “finstas” (a blend of “fake” and “Instagram”) are typically private, secondary accounts that users create to share content with a smaller, more controlled group of friends and followers, unlike their main accounts which may have a wider audience or more polished posts.

What apps do most Instagrammers use? ›

Best Apps for Instagram
  • VSCO.
  • Priime.
  • Snapseed.
  • Pixlr.
  • Canva.
  • Reports for Followers.
  • Crowdfire.
  • GhostHunter.
Jun 9, 2023

How to see who doesn't follow you back on Instagram in 2024? ›

Log into the Instagram app on Android or iOS and head to your profile. Here, tap on the follower count at the top. Next, tap on the search bar to manually search for specific followers that you feel may have unfollowed you. If they don't show up in search results, you will instantly know that they have unfollowed you.

Is FollowMeter a safe app? ›

Is FollowMeter a safe app? The safety of FollowMeter depends on how it complies with Instagram's policies. Using third-party apps like FollowMeter carries some risks, as they may violate Instagram's terms of service, potentially leading to account issues.

Is the Combin app safe? ›

Is It Safe to Use Combin If I Want to Grow Instagram or Unfollow Those Who Don't Follow Me Back? 📌 It's safe as long as you use automation tools like Combin wisely. Here are our tips on how to avoid getting banned on Instagram and losing your account.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.