Microsoft Dataverse | Microsoft Power Platform (2024)

MicrosoftDataverse | MicrosoftPowerPlatform (1)

MicrosoftDataverse | MicrosoftPowerPlatform (2)

"Con Dataverse, podemos controlar el acceso a los datos directamente hasta roles específicos".

Sebastian Witt, director sénior del programa Industry 4.0 & digitalización, división de seguridad activa, ZF


Soluciones creadas en Dataverse

MicrosoftDataverse | MicrosoftPowerPlatform (3)

MicrosoftDataverse | MicrosoftPowerPlatform (4)

"Desde que trabajamos con Power Platform, nunca ha habido tanta colaboración entre los equipos de negocio y de TI".

Colt Coan, director de desarrollo rápido, Epiq


Horas de trabajo ahorradas cada mes

500000 USD

Ahorro anual en costes asociados

MicrosoftDataverse | MicrosoftPowerPlatform (5)

MicrosoftDataverse | MicrosoftPowerPlatform (6)

"Como hemos adoptado el ecosistema de Microsoft, una gran parte de eso es adoptar Power Platform: las herramientas y capacidades que apoyan a nuestros clientes y equipos de compromiso".

Karen Fraser, jefa de operaciones del programa, PwC


Ahorro de costes obtenido


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Microsoft Dataverse | Microsoft Power Platform (2024)


What are the limitations of Microsoft Dataverse? ›

Number of records per entity limit: each entity has a limit of 2 billion records. This means that you can only store 2 billion records for each custom entity. Field length limit: Dataverse has a limit of 2,000 characters for a single-line of text field and 32,768 characters for a multi-line of text field.

Is Dataverse easy to use? ›

With the easy-to-configure integration features built into Dataverse, deep integrations with Microsoft's cloud services such as Azure, Dynamics 365, and Microsoft 365, etc., make for an easy set-up, with no development overhead.

What is Dataverse in Power Platform? ›

Dataverse lets you securely store and manage data that's used by business applications. Data within Dataverse is stored within a set of tables. A table is a set of rows (formerly referred to as records) and columns (formerly referred to as fields/attributes).

Why is Dataverse better than Sharepoint? ›

Dataverse provides a unified and standardised data structure, making it easier to create relationships between different data entities. If your Power App requires a robust and scalable data storage solution with built-in security features, Dataverse might be the preferred option.

Why is Dataverse so slow? ›

A canvas app connected to Dataverse might perform slowly if it runs client-heavy scripting such as Filter By or JOIN client-side instead of server-side. Use Dataverse views when possible. A view with the required join or filter criteria helps reduce the overhead of using an entire table.

Is Dataverse more than a database? ›

Although Dataverse's main database is Azure SQL and Dataverse is referred to as a “database” in many places even within Microsoft space, it is much more than a database. Dataverse comes with a rich set of features that are usually common to any type of system/application especially in the enterprise space.

Is Dataverse free with PowerApps? ›

No, Microsoft Dataverse is not free. You will need to purchase a Premium Power Apps or Power Automate license. Licensing prices vary from $5 – $20 depending on the subscription plan that is chosen. However, if you just want to try out Dataverse, there are two free options available to you.

Can I use Dataverse as a data warehouse? ›

To support advanced analytics and machine learning, Dataverse includes a managed data lake. Data within the lake can be used to run Power BI reporting, machine learning, data warehousing, and other downstream data processing.

Why should we use Dataverse? ›

Dataverse offers a column-level security capability to provide more granular security management at the column level because row-level access control is insufficient for some business scenarios. The manager and position hierarchies are two additional security models that can be utilized for hierarchies in Dataverse.

What is the new name for Dataverse? ›

All about Microsoft Dataverse. No, you have not stepped into a different dimension. The data storage technology known as Common Data Service (CDS), which supports Dynamics 365 and Power Platform, has changed its name to Dataverse as part of a larger rebranding effort at Microsoft.

What is the alternative to Dataverse? ›

Best Paid & Free Alternatives to DATAVERSE LTD
  • SmartBug Media.
  • Accenture.
  • Deloitte Consulting.
  • IBM Consulting.
  • DSP Explorer.
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
  • Navisite Services.
  • Tata Consultancy Services.

Why use Dataverse instead of SQL Server? ›

Dataverse stores Table Data in Azure SQL. But it also stores Table data in Azure Storage, Cosmos DB, Azure Data Lake and Cognitive Search – all in an intelligent way without you being in need of making a decision. All this is exposed via T-SQL, OData- and REST API.

What are the database limits in Dataverse? ›

Power Automate Data Storage
Default per userDefault per app
Dataverse Database capacity10GB5GB
Dataverse File capacity20GB20GB
Dataverse Log capacity2GB200MB
Dec 6, 2023

Can Dataverse handle big data? ›

Dataverse will normally try to access the file contents itself, i.e. for ingest (in future versions), full-text indexing, thumbnail creation, etc. This processing may not be desirable for large/sensitive data, and, for the case where the URL does not reference the file itself, would not be possible.

What is the threshold limit for Dataverse? ›

The Dataverse connector for Power Automate has a threshold limit of 100K records. To fetch more than 100K records, you need to use the Paging Cookie method in Power Automate. This method can also be used for fetching records below the 100K limit.

What is the limit of Dataverse license? ›

Dataverse default capacity - subscription plans
Capacity typeDataverse database storage per tenantDataverse database storage per capacity pack
Authenticated per user plan5 GB2 GB
Anonymous per user plan5 GB500 MB
Apr 3, 2024

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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