Mexican Spanish Parting Expressions - SpanishPod101 (2024)


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Mexican Spanish Parting Expressions
In this lesson we'll introduce parting expressions. Let’s start with the common ones.
A parting expression that we can use any time of the day to strangers or friends is adiós, which means “bye” or “goodbye”.
Let’s break it down:
(slow) a-di-ós.
Once more:
Another common parting expression in Mexico is Nos vemos, which literally means “we see (each other)” but it’s used like the English “See you!”
Nos vemos
(slow) nos ve-mos
Nos vemos
If you are saying goodbye to a friend or a co-worker in Mexico, you will often hear the phrase Nos vemos mañana, which means “See you tomorrow”. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to see that person tomorrow! It is just a common phrase that people use as a parting expression.
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Nos ve-mos ma-ña-na.
Once more:
Nos vemos mañana.
The first word, nos, means “we”
(slow) nos.
The second word, vemos, means "see (each other)"
(slow) ve-mos
The last word, mañana, means "tomorrow".
(slow) ma-ña-na
Once again:
(slow) Nos ve-mos ma-ña-na.
Nos vemos Mañana.
This means "see you tomorrow" but it technically means "see you next time" or "see you around".
One more common parting expression is hasta luego, which can be translated as “see you later”. But it literally means “until later”.
Let’s break it down:
(slow) Has-ta lu-e-go.
Once more:
Hasta luego.
In Mexico, you can also use as a parting expression the phrase we learned before: Buen día, which means “Good day”. That implies that you are saying goodbye and wishing the other person a good day.
(slow) Bu-en dí-a.
Buen día.
To close out today's lessons, we’d like you to practice what you have just learned. I’ll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you’re responsible for shouting it out loud. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so !buena suerte! which means “Good luck!” in Spanish.
(3 sec) Adiós.
(slow) A-di-ós
“See you.”
(3 sec) Nos vemos.
(slow) Nos ve-mos.
Nos vemos.
“See you tomorrow.”
(3 sec) Nos vemos mañana.
(slow) Nos ve-mos ma-ña-na.
Nos vemos mañana.
“See you later.”
(3 sec) Hasta luego.
(slow) Has-ta lu-e-go.
Hasta luego.
“Good day.”
(3 sec) Buen día.
(slow) Bu-en día.
Buen día.
Alright! That's going to do it for this lesson. Hasta luego.



Mexican Spanish Parting Expressions - SpanishPod101 (2024)
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