La Rutina - Describing your Daily Routine in Spanish - SpanishLearningLab (2024)

¿Qué haces todos los días? ¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria? These are two common questions to ask about someone’s daily routine in Spanish – la rutina diaria. In a previous lesson, we covered the most important words foreveryday activitiesand made sentences with reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. This lesson will go a little further and teach you how to use the right vocabulary, phrases and structures to describe what you do daily to your friends or class.By the end of the lesson,we expect you to be able to write sentences and short descriptionsaboutyour daily routine in Spanish.

Vocabulary review:Daily routine and reflexive verbs in Spanish

First, we will reviewthe vocabulary for daily activities. All the activities used to describe daily routines in Spanish are represented by verbs.This video explains how to conjugate reflexive verbs and use them to make sentences about everyday activities, as well as how to ask what someone does every day and more. The final part of the video showsa short passage describing someone’s dailyroutine in Spanish for a typical day. The video is easy to follow and also includes many important things that you will not find in the rest of the lesson. Please activate the captions (cc) if you need them.

Describingdaily routines in Spanish: examples and common verbs

Spanish reflexive verbs in daily routines

Most activities in daily routines are verbs in infinitive like JUGAR (to play) or COMER (to eat), and sometimes Spanishreflexive verbssuch as DESPERTARSE (wake up) and VESTIRSE (get dressed). In order to conjugate reflexive verbs, you have to conjugate the first part of the verb following the rules for regular or irregular verbs, and add a reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject in the sentence. Too much, we know! That is why Spanish reflexive verbs arecovered with a lot more details in an independent lesson. That being said, DESPERTARSE will change to “(Yo) Me despierto”, “(Tú) Te despiertas”, “(Él/Ella/Usted)Se despierta”.

The first exampleof a daily routine will show someone talking about his morning routine in Spanish, “la rutina de la mañana“. Sequence words like “Primero”(first), “Luego”(then), “Antes de”(before), “Después de”(after) and“Finalmente”(finally) will beused inmost descriptionsto connect ideas. This will make the descriptions more real and complete. Pay attention to the way the vocabulary for daily routinesin the box isused to make meaningful sentences and acomplete paragraph.

Despertarse, levantarse, bañarse, desayunar, cepillarse, vestirse, irse, regresar.

Mi rutina de la mañana en español (usando verbos reflexivos)

Mi rutina diaria en español
Mi nombre es Ben. Yo me despierto a las seis de la mañana. Primero,me levanto y luego me baño por 10 minutos. Antes de desayunar yo me cepillo los dientes y me visto. Después yo desayuno con mis hermanos y mis padres. Finalmente me voy a la escuela y regreso a mi casa al medio día.

Read English translation

My name is Ben. I wake up at six o’clock. First I get up and then I take a shower for 10 minutes. Before breakfast I brush my teeth and get dressed. Then I have breakfast with my brothers and my parents. Finally I go to school and come back home at noon.

Non-reflexive verbs in daily routines

In the previous example, the guy was talking about his own routine so he used sentences with the structure “Yo me + verb + complement”. As you can see in that example,verbs likeDESAYUNAR and REGRESAR do not need the reflexive pronoun MEbecause both of themare non-reflexive verbs in Spanish. For the verb IR, both “Yo me voy…” and “Yo voy…” are possible.

La Rutina - Describing your Daily Routine in Spanish - SpanishLearningLab (1)

Here is a second example, but this time including some words for hobbiesand likes (ME GUSTA + activity), as well as frequency adverbs such as “Siempre” (always), “De vez en cuando” (sometimes) and “A veces” (sometimes), besides non-reflexive verbs in the same paragraph abouta daily routine in Spanish.

Hacer, almorzar, descansar, hacer la tarea, estudiar, ver televisión, jugar, gustar, ayudar, limpiar, lavar, jugar.

Mi rutina diaria en español (verbos normales)

Mi rutina diaria en español
Yo hago muchas actividades todos los días. Voy a la escuela en la mañana. Después de regresar almuerzo y descanso por una hora. Luego hago mis tareas y estudio para el día siguiente. Me gusta ver televisión y jugar videojuegos. También me gusta practicar deportes como fútbol y béisbol de vez en cuando. Siempre ayudo a limpiar la casa, lavar los trastes y hacer los quehaceres en la casa. A veces voy al cine con mis amigos o jugamos juntos.

Read English translation

I do many activities every day. I go to school in the morning. After I return, I eat lunch and rest for an hour. Then I do my homework and study for the next day. I like watching TV and playing video games, and I also like playing sports like soccer and baseball sometimes. I always help to clean the house, wash the dishes and do the household chores. Sometimes I go to the movies with my friends or play together.

Describing other people’s routine in Spanish

To talk about the activities that other people doon a daily basis, we will use reflexive pronouns that actually refer to other people, not only “ME”, for example: “Ella se baña” (she takes a shower), “Tú te vistes” (You get dressed) and so on.

You can even say if a person has an interesting (interesante), simple (sencilla) or busy (ocupada) routine. Besides, you can combine sentences about your daily routine in Spanishwith activities that other people do, e.g. “Yo me levanto temprano y él se levanta tarde” (I get up early and he gets up late). Normally,all you need to know is which verbs will behave in a reflexive way and which will not. It all comes to practice and seeing examples, so here is one more daily routine description for you to learn a few more things.

Hacer, tener, levantarse, cocinar, ayudar, alistarse, ir, hacer los quehaceres, cenar, dormirse.

La rutina diaria de mi familia en español

Nuestra rutina diaria en español
Yo hago muchas actividades todos los días. Tengo dos hijos, un niño y una niña. Me levanto a las 6 de la mañana, cocino el desayuno para nosotros y les ayudo a mis hijos a alistarse para ir a la escuela. Marcos se baña y se viste solo. Rosa hace muchas cosas por sí misma. Yo voy a mi trabajo a las 8 de la mañana. Cuando regreso hacemos los quehaceres juntos y cenamos. Los niños se duermen a las 10 de la noche. En general, es una rutina muy ocupada.

Read English translation

I do many activities every dayand have two children, a boy and a girl. I get up at 6 in the morning, cook breakfast for us and help my children get ready for school. Marcos bathes and dresses himself. Rosa does many things by herself. I go to my work at 8 in the morning. When we return, we do the chores together and have dinner. The children go to sleep at 10 pm. In general, it is a busy routine…

Listening Activity: My daily routine in Spanish – Mi rutina diaria

Listen to two friends talking about daily routines in Spanish and chores. The phrasesin the conversation are very similar to the ones in the examples above. Test your listening abilitywith thequiz. It will help you reinforce your knowledge about the topic.

Listening quiz: A busy daily routine - Una rutina ocupada

This quiz is about "la rutina diaria de Jasmín". Read each question carefully and answer according to the information provided in the conversation. There is a tip for every correct answer. Press “START” to begin.


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Conversation Script: Hablando de tu rutina diaria en español

Leo: Jasmín, ¿Crees que podemos trabajar en el proyecto mañana?
Jasmín: Bien… Leo, no puedo porque tengo que hacer varias cosas.
Leo: Esta bien! Creo que tienes una rutina muy ocupada…
Jasmín: Si, me levanto temprano en la mañana. Después me baño, me cepillo los dientes, me pongo maquillaje y me visto para ir a trabajar. Luego le ayudo a los niños a alistarse para ir a clase. ¿Sabías que Emma ya se peina sola y se pone su uniforme?
Leo: ¿En serio? Emma es una niña muy inteligente. ¿Y Roger también puede?
Jasmín: Si, el también. Después cocino el desayuno y comemos juntos. Luego ellos se van a la escuela y yo me voy a trabajar.
Leo: Me imagino que terminas cansada al final del día.
Jasmín: Si, lo bueno es que los niños me ayudan a limpiar la casa y lavar los platos.
Leo: ¡Qué bueno! Bien… ¿Qué te parece si trabajamos en el proyecto la próxima semana?
Jasmín: Me parece buena idea…

Practice and Writing: A short essay aboutyour daily routine in Spanish

Someone's routine in Spanish - La rutina de alguien

This quiz will require you to complete a girl's daily routine in Spanish. It is a great exercise to practice reflexive pronouns and verbs, and learn some new things about this topic. Press “START” to begin.


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Write ashort essay talking aboutyour daily routine. You can simply write three paragraphs, one talking about your morning routine in Spanish, another about the activities you do in the afternoon and so on.If possible, share it with a native speaker and ask him about hisas well.

Related Spanish Worksheets:

  • Telling Time in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Daily Activities in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Verbs for Daily Routines in Spanish – Crossword Puzzle
  • My Daily Routine in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
  • Household Chores in Spanish – PDF Worksheet
La Rutina - Describing your Daily Routine in Spanish - SpanishLearningLab (2024)


How do you ask about someone's daily routine in Spanish? ›


¿Qué haces (todos los días) (every day)? ¿Qué haces (por la mañana, en la mañana) (in the morning)?

What does Mi Rutina Diaria? ›

Listening Activity: My daily routine in Spanish – Mi rutina diaria.

What are some of the daily routine verbs in the reflexive Spanish? ›

Here is our list of Spanish reflexive verbs for your daily routine:
  • Despertarse. The Spanish reflexive verb despertarse means "to wake up": ...
  • Levantarse. ...
  • Bañarse. ...
  • Ducharse. ...
  • Lavarse. ...
  • Lavarse/cepillarse los dientes. ...
  • Cepillarse el pelo/cabello. ...
  • Peinarse.

How can students write daily routine in English? ›

The daily routine is:
  1. I wake up early.
  2. Refresh my self.
  3. Brush my teeth.
  4. Take a bath.
  5. Take Breakfast.
  6. Get ready for school.
  7. Spend hours for studying.
  8. Come back home.

How are the reflexive verbs important in describing your daily routine? ›

Reflexive verbs are used when an action acts on the subject. Meaning that the verb acts on him or herself. For example, when you comb your hair, brush your teeth, or when you wake up.

How do you make a reflexive sentence in Spanish? ›

subject + reflexive pronoun + verb

For example: Tú te despiertas.

What are the two parts of a Spanish reflexive verb give three examples? ›

How are Spanish reflexive verbs formed?
  • person: (yo) me levanto.
  • person: (tú) te levantas.
  • person: (él/élla) se levanta.
6 Jun 2019

How many reflexive verbs are there in Spanish? ›

List of Most Common Reflexive Verbs in Spanish. Reflexive verbs are a very important part of Spanish. According to some research, Spanish speakers' basic and common verb vocabulary is comprised of 523 terms. Out of these 523 verbs, almost 30% have a reflexive form.

What are the 5 daily routine? ›

Now that I have a set morning routine, here are a few pointers that take minimal effort:
  • 1) Drink water. ...
  • 2) Meditate or exercise. ...
  • 3) Give yourself a little me-time. ...
  • 4) Have breakfast. ...
  • 5) Create the right nighttime routine. ...
  • Also read:
15 Oct 2020

How can I write my daily routine paragraph? ›

I always wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After that, I do some exercises then I put my clothes on and prepare my school bag. Next, I have my breakfast and wait for the school bus. At 8 o'clock I go to school and start my first class then I go to the second class.

How can I make a daily routine for myself? ›

How to Build a Productive Daily Routine in 60 Seconds #SHORTS

Why does Spanish have reflexive verbs? ›

In Spanish, reflexive verbs are often used to describe things you do to yourself every day or that involve a change of some sort, for example, going to bed, sitting down, getting angry, and so on. Reflexive verbs are much more common in Spanish than in English, and many are used in everyday language.

What does a reflexive verb end in? ›

Reflexive verbs indicate that the action of the verb reflects back on the subject. In their infinitive forms, reflexive verbs end in -se.

How do you conjugate a reflexive verb? ›

Reflexive verbs are always conjugated with the reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject: me (myself), te (yourself), se (himself, herself, itself, themselves), nous (ourselves), and vous (yourself, yourselves). These pronouns generally precede the verb.

What are the 6 reflexive pronouns? ›

The nine English reflexive pronouns are myself, yourself, himself, herself, oneself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.

How do you write a sentence with a reflexive verb? ›

Whenever the subject of the sentence (the doer of the action) and the object of the sentence (the receiver of the action) refer to the same person, we use the reflexive form of the verb. In English this is shown by the use of words such as myself, yourself, himself, herself, etc.

Why does Spanish have reflexive verbs? ›

In Spanish, reflexive verbs are often used to describe things you do to yourself every day or that involve a change of some sort, for example, going to bed, sitting down, getting angry, and so on. Reflexive verbs are much more common in Spanish than in English, and many are used in everyday language.

How do you conjugate a reflexive verb? ›

Reflexive verbs are always conjugated with the reflexive pronoun that agrees with the subject: me (myself), te (yourself), se (himself, herself, itself, themselves), nous (ourselves), and vous (yourself, yourselves). These pronouns generally precede the verb.

What are non reflexive verbs in Spanish? ›

Verbs that can be used with or without reflexive pronouns are known as non-reflexive verbs. These verbs are ones that can easily land you in trouble.

What are reflexive pronouns? ›

A reflexive pronoun is a specific type of pronoun that is used for the object of a verb when it refers to the same noun as the subject of that verb. In English, these are the pronouns that end with “self” or “selves”: e.g., “himself,” “myself,” “ourselves,” etc.

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