IP Joint – Outlander Anatomy (2024)

IP Joint – Outlander Anatomy (1)

Outlander Def: Wait! What??? Roger Mac has a joint? But, but….he is a Presbyterian minister (almost)!

No worries. NOT that kind of joint! 😉

Anatomy Def: IP joints are between bones of each digit.

Let’s take a wee keek at hand anatomy to ken Roger’s bones and joints. The next figure shows bones of the (left) hand.

Collectively, the digits have 14 bones. Every finger contains three tiny bones, each known as a phalange. The proximal (near) phalange is green, the middle plalange is blue, and the distal (far) phalange is pink.

But, alas, Mr. Thumb only enjoys two phalanges: proximal (green) and distal (pink).

To identify the digits, anatomists number them from one to five:

    • Thumb = digit #1
    • Index = digit #2
    • Middle = digit #3
    • Ring = digit #4
    • Little = digit #5

But, wait for it….drum roll…. 🥁 Anatomists number fingers, from one to four:

    • Index = finger #1
    • Middle = finger #2
    • Ring = finger #3
    • Little = finger #4

Horror of all horrors…. This means that finger #1 is also digit#2! 😱

You possible can see how this numbering system could get physicians into trouble. Adding fuel to the fire, anatomists in some countries regard the thumb as a finger and thus describe five digits and five fingers. Bottom line, US hand surgeons often prefer using terms (not numbers): thumb, and index, middle, ring, and little fingers to avoid confusion and mistakes! 🙄

IP Joint – Outlander Anatomy (2)

Moving on!

In anatomy, a joint is the site where two or more bones meet and allow for movement – the greater the number of joints, the greater possible movements. Thus, the many joints between phalanges of our five digits permit greater flexibility allowing digits to flex (bend) or extend (straighten). Thumb also can oppose (touch) each finger, individually, and little finger also can oppose the thumb. These movements are possible because forearm and hand contain numerous muscles that move the bones.

Joints between phalanges are named interphalangeal meaning “between phalanges.” Because each finger has two interphalangeal joints, these are further defined (see next figure of right hand – ignore metacarpophalangeal joints):

    • PIP (proximal interphalangeal) joint occurs between each proximal and middle phalange.
    • DIP (distal interphalangeal) joint occurs between each middle and distal phalange.

Puir wee thumb only has one joint between proximal and distal phalanges, so it has just a single IP (interphalangeal) joint. But, no tears for Mr. Thumb – he is verra special!

Whew! 😅 Took a bit to explain that!

Now, back to Roger’s anatomy! 😜 (I thought you would be up for that!)

Ergo, manly Roger is flexing the IP joint of his right thumb! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 And, since in most people, the left hand is our shield hand while the right is our sword hand, it is just possible that Mr. Minister is contemplating a stramash!

IP Joint – Outlander Anatomy (3)

Try This:Flex (bend) one of your thumbs. Note it has one joint between its phalanges, the IP joint. Now flex any finger. Note it has two joints, the PIP joint nearest the palm and the DIP joint nearest the fingernail. Well done, student!

The hand and its fingers are elegantly engineered and staggeringly complex. If you wish to read more about them, I have written two long anatomy lessons of the hand.

Learn about IP, DIP, and PIP joints in Anatomy Lesson #22, “Jamie’s Hand, Symbol of Sacrifice and Anatomy Lesson #23, “Harming Hands, Helping Hands, Healing Hands.”

Read about finger and thumb joints in Diana’s first book, Outlander. The following excerpt is from Jamie and Claire’s lovely outing in the countryside, shortly after the wedding:

“Above one dark speckled pool, Jamie showed me how to tickle trout.

… “All it is,” he said, “is to pick a good spot, and then wait.” He dipped one hand below the surface, smoothly, no splashing, and let it lie on the sandy bottom, just outside the line of shadow made by the rocky overhang. The long fingers curled delicately toward the palm, distorted by the water so that they seemed to wave gently to and fro in unison, like the leaves of a water plant, though I saw from the still muscling of his forearm that he was not moving his hand at all.

… “There he is.” Jamie’s voice was low, hardly more than a breath; he had told me that trout have sensitive ears.

… One finger bent slowly, so slowly it was hard to see the movement. I could tell it moved only by its changing position, relative to the other fingers. Another finger, slowly bent. And after a long, long moment, another. I scarcely dared breathe, and my heart beat against the cold rock with a rhythm faster than the breathing of the fish. Sluggishly the fingers bent back, lying open, one by one, and the slow hypnotic wave began again, one finger, one finger, one finger more, the movement a smooth ripple like the edge of a fish’s fin.”

See Roger’s IP joint in Starz season six outlander promo photo!

The deeply grateful,

Outlander Anatomist

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Photo Credits:Starz, www. geekymedics.com, www.quizlet.com

IP Joint – Outlander Anatomy (2024)


What is the anatomy of the IP joint? ›

Anatomical Structure

The proximal interphalangeal joint is formed by the articulation between the head of the proximal phalanx and the base of the middle phalanx: Head of the proximal phalanx – formed by two curved condylar processes, which form a shallow groove in the middle.

What is IPJ joint? ›

The interphalangeal joints of the hand are synovial hinge joints that span between the proximal, middle, and distal phalanges of the hand. In digits 2-5 these joints can be further classified based on which bones are involved.

Why does the IP joint of my thumb hurt? ›

Several conditions can lead to pain in the IP joint of the thumb. But the most common reason is arthritis, an umbrella term used to refer to swelling and inflammation of the joints. Three types of arthritis tend to cause pain in the IP joint of the thumb: OA, PsA, and RA.

What is the function of the interphalangeal joint? ›

The function of the interphalangeal joints of the hand to permit fine motor movements in the digits. To accomplish this, these joints facilitate movement within only one degree of freedom: flexion - extension.

Why does my interphalangeal joint hurt? ›

Osteoarthritis of the joint is the most common form of arthritis that results in interphalangeal joint pain. However, rheumatoid arthritis, posttraumatic arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis also are common causes of interphalangeal pain secondary to arthritis (Figs. 92.1 and 92.2).

How do you treat a dislocated IP joint? ›

Immobilize the joint with a foam-padded splint immediately after reduction to prevent redislocation or instability. Immobilize for 14-21 days for a PIP joint dislocation and 10-14 days for a DIP joint dislocation. Buddy taping for 3-6 weeks thereafter allows active range of motion and prevents hyperextension.

What muscles are in the IP joint? ›

Muscles acting on the interphalangeal joints

The interphalangeal joint of the big toe is flexed by flexor hallucis longus. The prime extensors of the interphalangeal joints are extensor digitorum longus, extensor digitorum brevis, lumbricals and interossei.

What is the bump on the IP thumb joint? ›

Heberden's nodes are small, pea-sized bony growths that occur on the joint closest to the tip of the finger, also called the distal interphalangeal joint. Heberden's nodes are a symptom of osteoarthritis (OA) of the hand.

Can arthritis be cleaned out of finger joints? ›

Surgery to treat interphalangeal joint arthritis is typically an outpatient procedure that lasts about an hour. It's performed under local anesthesia and possibly sedation, depending on your case and preferences. The first step is to remove the cysts that arthritis causes to form in the joints.

How to heal an IP joint in the thumb? ›

A 2019 study noted that using a tin alloy splint on the affected finger is a safe and straightforward way to help reduce symptoms of DIP joint pain. Surgery may be an option if symptoms are leading to structural joint issues. Surgery may aim to remove bone growths, reconstruct the joint, or fuse bones if necessary.

How do you stabilize a thumb IP joint? ›

The most common option is stabilization of the deformity with a splint. Typically, a clam shell splint or an extension block splint are used; in more severe cases, a Kirchner wire or screw is used. Splinting is designed to carefully but forcefully realign a subluxed joint.

What is stage 4 arthritis of the thumb? ›

By stage IV, bone spurs, narrowed joint space, and even joint dislocation may be seen. Although X-rays are important, radiographic staging of the disease does not predict the severity of symptoms or guide treatment.

Is the interphalangeal joint stable? ›

The proximal interphalangeal joint remained stable when one half of the collateral ligament was left intact. The results indicate that lateral stability of the proximal interphalangeal joint is provided primarily by the collateral ligament.

What is the IP joint of the thumb? ›

Interphalangeal Joint (IP)

The thumb interphalangeal (IP) joint is similar to the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint in the fingers. The IP joint in thumb is located at the tip of the finger just before the fingernail starts. The terminal extensor tendon in the thumb comes from the extensor pollicis longus muscle.

What is the approach to the interphalangeal joint? ›

The dorsal approach to the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint is indicated for intraarticular fractures. It is also useful for coronal plane fractures of the condyles of the proximal phalanx. Central slip avulsion fractures from the dorsal base of the middle phalanx are an ideal indication for this approach.

What is the anatomy of an IP packet? ›

Each IP packet contains both a header (20 or 24 bytes long) and data (variable length). The header includes the IP addresses of the source and destination, plus other fields that help to route the packet. The data is the actual content, such as a string of letters or part of a webpage.

What is the anatomy of IP address? ›

The parts of your IP address

An IP address has two parts: the network ID, comprising the first three numbers of the address, and a host ID, the fourth number in the address. So on your home network — 192.168. 1.1, for example – 192.168. 1 is the network ID, and the final number is the host ID.

What is the anatomy of the collateral ligaments of the proximal interphalangeal joint? ›

The PCL is a stout structure with multiple longitudinally oriented fibers, generally aligned with the direction of the longitudinal axis of the middle phalanx. No true cruciate or layered structure was observed. It takes up most of the side of the PIPJ.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.