Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (2024)


by Desiree Fawn on January 13, 2017//This post may contain affiliate links.

Last night, as my mister and I were getting ready to go out for a date (a rare occurrence with a 6-year-old and my partner’s work schedule) I was prettying up in the bathroom and when I put on my favorite shade of lipstick I could suddenly see that my lips were MUCH dryer than I’d thought. Hmm… I suppose I haven’t been keeping up with my lip balm routine as well as I try to and it’s been a rather dry winter. Whoops. Time to fix them up — no more flaky dry skin on my lips, please!

Today I thought I might share some cool DIY lip balm ideas that incorporate all of the essential oils that I love with the hopes that one of these recipes will soothe my poor dry lips — and yours too! Check them out and let me know if you find a favorite. Peace!

Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (1)

This Lavender Rose Lip Balm from Rustic Wedding Chic would smell incredible! I’m not usually huge into florals, but Rose Essential Oils smells heavenly.

I love how Barb at Mom Off Track decorated the tubes of her Lavender Orange Lip Balm with washi tape! Definitely, a cute idea — and they’d make a great gift.

Mmm, I really want to try this Peppermint Cocoa Lip Balm from Essentially Eclectic. It would smell just like Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream… which just happens to be my mister’s favorite. I think he’d use it too!

This DIY Beeswax Lip Balm from Mom Prepares incorporates Peppermint and Rosemary essential oils. I love the scent of rosemary. It’s a very wintry smell to me since I use it a lot in my diffuser during the cold season.

You can make this DIY Organic Lip Balm from Don’t Mess With Mama with Lemon Essential Oil for less than $0.25 per tube!

Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (2)

This Homemade Raspberry Lemonade Lip Balm from Dear Crissy is making me crave summer-like whoa. It looks good enough to eat!

The packaging used for this DIY Lip Gloss over at Spoon Fork Bacon is AMAZING. Honestly, this might be the best lip balm packaging I’ve ever seen AND they tell you where you can order it right in the post. Gotta try this!

If you have a bunch of empty EOS containers hanging out in the bottom of your purse, you’ll love being able to refill it with this Peppermint Lip Balmand DIY from Mom 4 Real.

The folks at Fragrant Vanilla Cake have shared a delicious collection of homemade lip balms that I’m dying to try — including one called Vanilla Maple! Yum!

I used to work in an Indian Food Restaurant where I made and drank my weight in Masala chai on a regular basis. I ADORE the smell and I think this Spiced Chai Lip Balm from The Paleo Mom is going to be my new must-have!

Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (3)

Desiree Fawn

Désirée is the Canuck mama behind So Fawned Lifestyle. Blogger, social media wrangler, go-to girl. Living the life with her partner Rich and awesome daughter Gretchen, she spends her days typing and drinking copious amounts of tea, and watching Gilmore Girl reruns.

posted in: diy, Fall Ideas, Natural Living, Winter Ideas


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    6 Comments on “Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes”

  1. Pingback: Make your own organic Lip Balm Tutorial (EASY WORK)

  2. Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (4)

    Juliana Liu Reply

    Hi, Can you share where you buy the lip balm cases? Thanks!

  3. Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (5)

    Karen Reply

    Where did you get the ladle type container that you are using to pour your balm into the tubes?

  4. Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (6)

    Farha Reply

    Can we use for henna after care on hands?

    • Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (7)

      Mom Spark Reply

      Hmmm, I haven’t tested these recipes on henna, so I’m honestly not sure!

  5. Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (8)

    Lucy Darren Reply

    Great recipes that you have shared with us . I like very much hope so I can try later.


Essential Oil Lip Balm Recipes (2024)
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