Charted: Which music genre has the most loyal fans? (2024)

Do you know what deep orgcore sounds like? How about doomcore, deep Christmas, atmospheric post metal, vegan straight edge, Polynesian pop or Swedish reggae?

All of these musical genres are thriving on the Internet, where online streaming services allow devotees to listen to their favorite music and, if they so choose, nothing else. Spotify, the music streaming service, put together a series of charts and interactives showing the amazing variety of musical genres online and how these genres vary around the world.

Glenn McDonald, a “data alchemist” at Spotify, created an amazing interactive chart of the more than 1,300 different genres of music. The interactive version lets you click on each of the genres to hear a sample of the sound, while the “scan" option flips you through the channels in all their crazy variety.

Spotify also analyzed how loyal its users are to particular genres, by dividing the number of “streams” (the number of times the songs has been listened to) by the number of listeners.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, metal fans rank as the most hardcore about their genre. Around the world, Spotify found that metal had the most loyal listeners, followed by pop and folk. Classical and blues listeners tended to be the least "loyal" by this measure.

Looking at various countries around the world, the Spotify data shows that homegrown genres were more likely to attract loyal listeners. Australia had a penchant for Australian country, Brazil for Brazilian punk and rock gaucho, France for French reggae, and so on.

So which genre had the most "loyal" listeners in the U.S.? Regional Mexican scored highest, followed by Latin pop, Native American, emo, metal, punk and OPM (original Pilipino music, from the Philippines), clearly reflecting America's melting pot of immigrant communities.

Even though the Internetoffers music fansa huge amount of variety, it seems thattheyare most likely to listen to the music that reminds them of home.

Charted: Which music genre has the most loyal fans? (2024)


What genre of music has the most loyal fans? ›

Today's study comes from Spotify, who tried to figure out which genre has the loyalest music fans, and quickly found out that heavy metal has the most loyal following.

Who has the most loyal fanbase in music? ›

Most Loyal Fanbase- BTS ARMY

BTS ranks No. 1 with the most loyal fans in the world leaving behind Michael Jackson, Elton John, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Queen, Lana D Rey, Beyoncé, Eminem, and Harry Styles respectively. The survey was conducted to see how many fans are willing to see their favorite artists perform live.

What genre of music has the most fans? ›

Rock is US' most popular music genre, but listeners attend gigs less frequently than other fans.

Are metalheads more loyal? ›

Metalheads Can Often Be the Most Loyal

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the results showed that metalheads stick with their favorite artists the most.

Who has the biggest fan base in music? ›

Swifties, Taylor Swift

Arguably the most powerful fan base in the world right now, Swifties (the word has been trademarked by the US singer) are among the most engaged and devoted.

Which group has most fans? ›

1. BTS - ARMY. This is the most famous fandom in the world. ARMY is renowned for its status as BTS's fandom.

Which has the most fans in the world? ›

As of December 2023, Cristiano Ronaldo has the most followers on social media with about 891 million. He's also the most-followed person on Instagram with over 600 million followers. Michael Jackson has the largest fan following in the world . Which music band has the most fans ever, worldwide?

What genre has the most listeners? ›

According to a study delivered by Spotify, hip-hop was the most listened to type of music between December 2016 and July 2020 on the platform.

What is the #1 music genre right now? ›

Data from YouGov Global Profiles - which covers demographic, psychographic, attitudinal and behavioural consumer metrics with 1,000+ questions in 47 major markets – reveals that pop is the most popular genre in most countries, alongside rock.

What is the 3 most popular music genre? ›

However, some of the most popular genres globally include pop, rock, and hip hop, which have had significant cultural and artistic impacts and continue to evolve and find success. Other popular genres include electronic dance music, R&B, and country.

What music genre has the most loyal fans? ›

Around the world, Spotify found that metal had the most loyal listeners, followed by pop and folk. Classical and blues listeners tended to be the least "loyal" by this measure.

Who listens to heavy metal? ›

The metal fan base was traditionally working class, white and male in the 1970s, and since the 1980s, more female fans have developed an interest in the style. Metal culture has also grown more popular among African Americans and other groups in recent times.

What personality likes heavy metal? ›

Metal fans, like classical listeners, tend to be creative, gentle people, at ease with themselves.

What is the most seductive genre of music? ›

In its current incarnation, R&B is probably already the sexiest genre of music, which makes choosing its sexiest song pretty much impossible since everyone will have their preferences.

What music genre fans are the happiest? ›

Study finds that jazz fans are the happiest people of any genre of music.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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