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  • Smiling Friends - Season 2

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Episode 01: Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4k (Anniversary Director's Cut) Episode 02: Mr. President Episode 03: A Allan Adventure Episode 04: Erm, the Boss Finds Love? Episode 05: Brother's Egg Episode 06: Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs the Alien Episode 07: The Magical Red Jewel (aka Tyler Gets Fired) Episode 00: Shrimp's Odyssey (Puppet Version) Episode 00: Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back (Puppet Version) Episode 00: Smiling Friends Employee Training Software Walkthrough Episode 00: Mr. Frog (Puppet Version)

Follows employees of a small company dedicated to bringing happiness to a bizarre yet colorful world.

Actors: David Dore, David Dore Clyde Boraine, Clyde Boraine Monica Franco, Monica Franco Jim Knobeloch, Jim Knobeloch 18 March 1950, Belleville, Illinois, USA Marc M., Marc M. Rodrigo Huerta, Rodrigo Huerta May 22, 1984 in San Benito, Texas, USA Mick Lauer, Mick Lauer Tom Fulp, Tom Fulp 30 April 1978, Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA Zach Hadel, Zach Hadel Erica Lindbeck, Erica Lindbeck 29 May 1992, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Chris ONeill, Chris ONeill ...»

Genre: Comedy,Animation,Short

Director: Zach Hadel, Paul Georghiou

Country: United States, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Philippines, South Africa

Release: 2024

IMDb: 8.5


Duration: 12 min

Keywords: #Marc Menchaca #Michael Cusack #Season 2 #Smiling Friends #Zach Hadel

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ACTORS OF "Smiling Friends - Season 2"

David Dore Clyde Boraine Monica Franco Jim Knobeloch 18 March 1950, Belleville, Illinois, USA Marc M. Rodrigo Huerta May 22, 1984 in San Benito, Texas, USA Mick Lauer Tom Fulp 30 April 1978, Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA Zach Hadel Erica Lindbeck 29 May 1992, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Chris O'Neill Finn Wolfhard

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GALLERY OF "Smiling Friends - Season 2"

123movies - Click and watch Smiling Friends - Season 2 Free and without registration. Watch the latest Episodes here (2024)


Where can I watch S2 of Smiling Friends? ›

Watch Smiling Friends — Season 2 with a subscription on Max, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

Where can I watch Smiling Friends season premiere? ›

“Smiling Friends” season 2 episode 5 is premiering on June 9 at 12 a.m. The best way to watch the premiere live as it airs is through Sling TV (first month half off) or DIRECTV Stream (free trial). Here's the information you'll need to watch a free live stream of “Smiling Friends” online without cable.

Where can I watch Smiling Friends season 2 in the UK? ›

Smiling Friends is available to watch on Channel 4.

How long are Smiling Friends episodes? ›

Smiling Friends
ProducersOllie Green Laura DiMaio Paul Moran Casey Rup Cody DeMatteis
EditorsScott Henry Lukas Xuereb Aron Fromm
Running time11 minutes
Production companiesPrincess Bento Studio Studio Yotta Goblin Caught on Tape Williams Street
17 more rows

What animal is gwimbly? ›

As a video game character from the fifth generation of video games, Gwimbly has an appearance composed of low-resolution polygons. He is marsupial/rodent in appearance, has a long snout that resembles a banana, a wide mouth with two front teeth, saggy blue eyes and sickly yellow fur.

Are they making smiling friends Season 2? ›

Smiling Friends Season 2 has been announced. The show has been successful in the adult animation network, Adult Swim.

Is Adult Swim free? ›

Even if you don't have access via Xfinity, [adult swim] has free content you can access without a cable subscription. Just click on any episode without a key icon to stream without signing in. Or check out all of our Marathons, which don't require a login to stream.

What is the meaning of Adult Swim? ›

Adult Swim is cartoons that are not meant for kids. The cartoons have more adult themes to them. It introduced me and my husband to shows like Attack on Titan, Robot Chicken, Hunter X Hunter, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Metalocalypse, Superjail, Venture Brothers and more.

What is Smiling Friends rated? ›

“Smiling Friends” is rated TV-MA and is available to watch on Adult Swim, HBO Max and Hulu with live TV.

Is Smiling Friends on Max? ›

This warped Adult Swim animated series, streaming on Max, is so fast and feral it feels like its own highlight reel. You're reading the Watching newsletter, for Times subscribers only. Streaming TV and movie recommendations from critic Margaret Lyons and friends.

What time does Smiling Friends season 2 air? ›

Watch Smiling Friends Season 2 on Adult Swim at midnight on Sundays, or stream new episodes on Max the following day. Cable or a live TV service is needed for Adult Swim.

Who voices God in Smiling Friends? ›

Smiling Friends (TV Series 2020– ) - Gilbert Gottfried as God - IMDb.

Who voices Mr. Frog? ›

Michael Cusack: Pim, Allan, Alan, Mr. Frog, Pim's Dad, Bliblie, Demon, Fairies, Goblin, Grim, Jacob the Goblin, James, Jeremy, Ketchup, Meep Foundation Lady, Pepper, Pim's Mom, Pim's Sister, Professor Psychotic, Rex, Skeleton Pirate, Squiggly Miggly, Witch. Jump to: Photos (71)

How old is Pim Smiling Friends? ›

In the episode commentary for Enchanted Forest, it's revealed that Pim is 33 years old. A running gag in the show is that Pim will randomly give anyone and anything a kiss, such as Desmond and a bird.

Is there season 2 of smile? ›

Smile 2 is the sequel to the 2022 psychological horror film by director Parker Finn that centers on a therapist who witnesses a patient's suicide, leading to a series of terrifying supernatural events. The sequel will see the return of Finn as director, with Paramount continuing distribution.

Does Netflix have happy Season 2? ›

Watch Happy! — Season 2 with a subscription on Netflix, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

Is Smiling Friends on HBO Max? ›

The first season of Smiling Friends was added to Max on February 9, 2022.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.